S is for Sub-Mariner

I now have the two more Masterworks covering Sub-Mariner stories I once owned, a couple of the Defenders, and one of the Golden Age Sub-Mariner, naturally featuring Everett’s story and art.

When I got suckered into reading comic books when I went to college, I started with a couple of comics that were #1s, but also Sub-Mariner #50. My girlfriend at the time and later my wife, the Okie, was particularly fond of Namor, the character with ears like Mr. Spock from Star Trek. As it turned out, the Sub-Mariner long predated the Vulcan, but did have a thing or two in common.

From the Marvel Universe: Namor’s father, American seaman Leonard McKenzie, embarked on an expedition to Antarctica in 1920… McKenzie set explosive charges to break up ice floes in the ship’s path, unaware that Atlantis lay beneath the waters. The city sustained heavy damage, and Atlantean Emperor Thakorr commanded his daughter Fen to investigate the cause of the explosions… In a strange twist of fate, Fen and McKenzie quickly fell in love and were married. Thakorr, fearing his daughter had been kidnapped or killed, sent an Atlantean war party to search for her. Thinking her a captive, the Atlanteans slaughtered McKenzie’s crew and apparently McKenzie himself. Afterward, Fen returned with the War party to Atlantis. Nine months later, Namor was born the first known Homo sapien – Homo mermanus hybrid.

So Namor, like Spock, was part homo sapien. On the other hand, while Spock was cool, Namor could be a bit of a hothead. The king of Atlantis has had several alliances over the years, but he has always chafed at being ordered about.

Wikipedia notes that Namor the Sub-Mariner was created by Bill Everett and “first appeared publicly in Marvel Comics #1 (Oct. 1939) — the first comic book from Timely Comics, the 1930s-1940s predecessor of the company Marvel Comics. During… the Golden Age of Comics, the Sub-Mariner was one of Timely’s top three characters, along with Captain America and the original Human Torch. Everett said the character’s name was inspired by Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem, ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.’ Everett came up with ‘Namor’ by writing down noble-sounding names backwards and thought Roman/Namor looked the best.”

So I felt extremely lucky that the very first issue of Sub-Mariner I purchased featured the return of creator Bill Everett! Unfortunately, declining health meant that he contributed to only about a dozen stories before he died in 1973.

Still, I was hooked on this outsider with a bit of a chip on his shoulder. That particular run ended with issue 72, but I followed him when he joined the anti-group, The Defenders. But I needed more. Fortunately, I discovered the back issue market, as I described here. I also noted how I had gotten rid of my comics, but now have replaced some of them in hardcover book form. In addition to the ones mentioned, I now have the two more Masterworks covering Sub-Mariner stories I once owned, a couple of the Defenders, and one of the Golden Age Sub-Mariner, naturally featuring Everett’s story and art.

I must admit that I haven’t kept up with his development over the past couple of decades – one can read more here – but I’d still number him as one of my favorite comic book characters.

ABC Wednesday – Round 11

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

22 thoughts on “S is for Sub-Mariner”

  1. I don’t recognise Namor at all. I suppose he was one of the comic heroes who didn’t cross the Atlantic (which you’d think he would have considering his abilities) or perhaps he did but only in the collectors market.

  2. Is admitting that I remember Sub Mariner admitting my age, or is it merely and indication that, like yourself, I am simply well read?

  3. I’ve never heard of him either. But then, I’m not a Trekkie either. lol

    abcw team

  4. I haven’t read the sub-Mariner comic books. I liked comic books as a child but didn’t continue with them much past that. However, I still read children’s books and fairy tales and am not entirely convinced that a wicked witch didn’t change me from an enchanted being into a human being. Cheers, Carver

  5. I liked the stories that Roy Thomas did of Namor and the Invaders, in the seventies. Also the Frank Robbins art was cool!

  6. I have never been a fan of comics, I ignore almost everything except the famous once like Spiderman or Superman but have never read the comics.

  7. That’s what I like about ABC Wednesday, I learn so many new things.
    I guess I’m so out of the loop and probably on the wrong side of the “hill” to know these characters.
    Thanks for some interesting info.

  8. Look at those muscles. I honestly don’t know much about Sub-Mariner but it was good to read about him, and lessen the ignorance.

  9. I wasn’t so much into comic book super heroes types when I was younger. But now, I’m oddly drawn to the movies featuring these characters!

  10. Never met Sub-Mariner but having now read his adventures on the link and seen his superpowers he seems the ideal superhero. What imagination went into those stories.

  11. Sub-Mariner was SO much better than his knock-off counterpart Aquaman! Great day for a post about comics too since Wednesday is comic book release day!
    You should pick up a few newer comics,I think (from you good taste in Sub-Mariner) you would still enjoy them. I like the smaller houses,Archia, Dark Horse, IDW and their ilk. BTW I am 53 and still love them!

  12. How SAD that you didn’t keep all of your copies, but it is SUPER that you have been able to recover SOME of your favorites, albeit in a different format. Kate, ABC Team

  13. I was fond of reading comics as well but never encountered this one.

    Hooray, I finally get my PC back so I am playing catch up with all of the S entries this week.

    SketcheS, please come and see.
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  14. The Namor/Spock connection was made explicit in Marvel’s spoof comic NOT BRAND ECHH, which had a running joke that playing Mr. Spock was the Sub-Mariner’s day-job. In one story, a fight between him and the Hulk is interrupted when he is mobbed by STAR TREK fans.

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