Librarians and other things

I was corresponding with John Hebert, who I know from my time at FantaCo the other day. He notes that he was not intentionally cribbing anyone’s style in this Batman drawing, but that one may think he is. What say you, denizens of comic fandom?

So what do I DO with a large prime number?


“The Hollywood Librarian: Librarians in Cinema and Society,” now in production, will be the first full-length film to focus on the work and lives of librarians in the entertaining and appealing context of American movies. American film contains hundreds of examples of librarians and libraries on screen — some positive, some negative, some laughable and some dead wrong. Films such as Sophie’s Choice, Philadelphia and It’s a Wonderful Life show librarians as negative stereotypes. The librarians in Lorenzo’s Oil, Desk Set and The Shawshank Redemption, on the other hand, are competent and professional. Dozens of interviews of real librarians will be interwoven with movie clips of cinematic librarians and serve as transitions between the themes of censorship, intellectual freedom, children and librarians, pay equity and funding issues, and the value of reading.”
Here’s a video clip of Ann Seidl, writer and director, in an address to the California Library Association, November, 2005.
Some related sites:

I’m forever getting CHAIN LETTER e-mails:
“A directory of cell phone numbers will be published soon.” This is partially true. “This opens the door to solicitors calling our cell phones using up our minutes.” Well, no. As a librarian, I’m compelled to get to the bottom of these things.

And speaking of librarians, remember The LIBRARIAN ACTION FIGURE. Remember, librarians kick butt.


An American hero died last week. My Lai Pilot Hugh Thompson, who helped stop the massacre during the Vietnam war, was 62.

Friend Dan finally got off his butt and started his own political blog. As he said, “About effing time.”

But before he did, he sent me Astonishing architecture. Of course, he had something to say: “Astonishing to the point of idiocy. Like, with all this glass, who is supposed to pay the energy bills? What about privacy, especially at night? How can acrophobiacs live in these places? Who lets their kids play on a spiral staircase with no risers? And why is there a black and white TV in the fireplace?”
(It reminds me me of that National Lampoon Christmas song about a glass-bottom boat. “I don’t want to fish looking up my dress.”)

Dick Morris and his wife, Eileen wrote a new book: Condi vs Hillary: The Next Great Presidential Race and he’s autographed a number of them. He writes: “The premise of the book is simple: Only Condoleezza Rice can effectively stop Hillary Clinton from winning the presidency! The book explains why and sets out a plan to draft her for the nomination.” A pox on both THOSE houses, but if you’re interested: Eh.

A children’s book, with sample illustrations on the web site: “Why Mommy Is a Democrat!”

Katrina Will Make Proving Where You Live Difficult in 2006:
Annette Watters’ article raises some interesting issues about the Census Bureau’s population estimates, especially for subcounty areas, and the impacts of disasters of various kinds. It suggests that just when the need for accurate estimates tends to be greatest (periods of unusual and rapid changes), is when they become least accurate.

Republican wants to change Census count

Meanwhile, Rep. Maloney Says Constitutional Amendment to Remove Non-Citizens From Census Is Counter to American Ideals and Impractical


Nellie McKay, one of Fred Hembeck’s favorite artists, has been dropped by her label over artistic differences.

For people of a certain age who want to know What the heck *is* emo, anyway?

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

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