Tommy Lee and Oliver W. QUESTIONS

It turns out that both Tommy Lee Jones and Oliver Stone both turned 60 yesterday. Jones has has appeared in two of Stone’s films, JFK (which our group of friends at the time called jif-ka) and Natural Born Killers. So what I’d like to know is what films have you seen of theirs and what you felt about them, which ones do you still want to see, and which ones will you never see. (This is not a complete list.)

For me:

A Prairie Home Companion (2006) want to see
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (2005) want to see
Space Cowboys (2000) saw, OK entertainment
Men in Black (1997) saw, OK, didn’t need to zee the sequel
Batman Forever (1995) saw, but have only vague recollection of
Cobb (1994) want to see
Natural Born Killers (1994) will not see
The Client (1994) OK entertainment
The Fugitive (1993) liked quite a bit, yet had no need to see the sequel, U.S. Marshals
JFK (1991) sure it’s a paranoid’s delight, but I enjoyed it
“Lonesome Dove” (1989) (mini) TV Series feel like I OUGHT to see this
The Executioner’s Song (1982) (TV) he played Gary Mark Gilmore, and I must have seen it, but I’m not remembering
Coal Miner’s Daughter (1980) want to see

World Trade Center (2006) probably will see at some point, but not any time soon
Alexander (2004) no interest
Nixon (1995) made me feel sorry for Thelma Ryan
Natural Born Killers (1994) nah
The Joy Luck Club (1993) (executive producer) recall enjoying it, and strangely, relating to it
JFK (1991) yes
The Doors (1991) I should rent this
Reversal of Fortune (1990) (producer) I recall this as a good, if chilling, film
Born on the Fourth of July (1989) I enjoyed most of it
Wall Street (1987) I MUST SEE THIS MOVIE
Platoon (1986) DITTO
Scarface (1983) (screenplay) I’ve actually tried to watch this, but Pacino’s SO over the top
Conan the Barbarian (1982) (screenplay) nah
Midnight Express (1978) (screenplay) scary

Ramblin' with Roger
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