The Lydster, Part 30: Two and a Half

I had all of these grandiose ideas about a panoply of pictures of Lydia over the past 2.5 years, but I was having trouble with Blogger, which put the kibosh on that. The picture above, with my mother and Carol’s, was supposed to be used for Grandparents’ Day, but I forgot. And I did manage to get a couple old pics to post.

You know the physicians’ creed to do no harm. I’m pleased to note that Lydia has made it to 2 1/2 in one piece, because of the parenting skills of her mother, and in spite of the parenting skills of me, or so she’ll tell her therapist in 20 years.

O.K., that was unnecessarily self-effacing. I do have some skills. I can get her to squueze her medicine thingy into her nose, usually. I can get her to stop crying by doing something extraordinarily silly. (Don’t ask.)

I’ve been taking my bike on the bus when I take her to day care. What pleases (and frankly surprises) me, and the people in the bus, is that I’ll say to her, “Stay on the sidewalk until I put the bike on the bus” and she does, saying “Bike on bus and then get me”. Then I carry her onto the bus. Then I take her off the bus, ask her to stay on the sidewalk until the bike comes off, and she complies again.

Good news: Lydia has ONLY a peanut allergy. That’s good, because I pretty much knew that anyway, and that she DOESN’T have an allergy to anything else, according to the blood test, such as tree nuts, grasses, milk, cats, dogs, or any number of other things that might have affected her.

Lydia only a month ago used to say she was two, but now says she’s two and a half, something neither her mother or I taught her. I blame her day care.

I love her a lot. When I get home from work, she’ll quit what she’s doing (eating, playing) to greet me. She is a good hugger.

Well, enough of this saccharine stuff. More cynicism soon.

Lydia, Carol, and I are mentioned in this story in the Capitaland Quartly section of this past Sunday’s Times Union. The paper was going to get a picture, but the photographer’s schedule changed and we were unable to wait around.

Ramblin' with Roger
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