December Ramblin’

My Words, My Voice is a site for women to write a brief memoir and also for peer-to-peer communication to encourage women from around the globe to talk with each other. The goal is for 10,000 memoirs by 2010.

That said, I think I’ll be signing up my mom for the Remembering Site for Christmas. I doubt that she’d initiate preserving her memories on her own, but I’m betting she’d do it with me, or so I hope.


Remains of St. Paul may have been found – Yahoo!

Our church is getting involved with The Laptop Project.


Mixed reaction to Cheney’s daughter’s pregnancy, says CNN – fair enough. But Mary Cheney’s pregnancy affects us all? So says Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, the “think tank for Concerned Women for America… a recognized authority on domestic issues, the United Nations, cultural and women’s concerns.” Feh. It affects Mary and her partner and their families. “The vice president and Mrs. Cheney are looking forward with eager anticipation” to the arrival of their sixth grandchild.” Good answer. Read it if only for the snarky comments on both sides of the issue. Haven’t seen such silliness since Dan Quayle went after Murphy Brown.

A Liberal’s Pledge to Disheartened Conservatives

Inside Higher Ed: Rethinking racial classifications
An Education Department plan to change the way colleges collect and report data on their students’ racial and ethnic backgrounds is attracting growing criticism. Opposition is coming from a group that represents some of the most elite private colleges in the country – as well as from officials of large, diverse public universities.


Report: Students struggle with information literacy.
“Many students know how to use technology, but fewer know how to apply it to find what they’re looking for” by Justin Appel.

You might think the 2010 Census is far away; you would be incorrect, as this website will attest.

How To Conduct a Background Check

The World Almanac has a blog, now about a month old. This probably means more to me than most, since I’ve been reading the book since I was about 10. I may have told this story: my co-workers had a shower for Carol and me, during which they asked us to identify characteristics of the other. I was supposed to name her favorite book – which I failed to do (100 Years of Solitude), but she got mine (The World Almanac). Thing is, when she made her pick, before I revealed my answer, no one thought she was correct, which I thought was terribly funny.

The Small Business Economy: 2006,which, of course, covers the small business economy in 2005. It used to come out the April or May after the prior year; now it comes out in December.

Snopes confirms a gift card scam.

An alpaca pregnancy calculator from the Alpaca Journal.


Maybe it’s strange that there is a website or two dedicated to people opening boxes, but a front page story about it in the Wall Street Journal about the “unboxing movement” cracked me up.

Last month, Nik, in response to an August post of mine, wrote: Ah, Fantaco! Their “Chronicles” series helped really turn me into a fanboy for the first time. Picked up the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man volumes and that was it, hooked for life. Oh, dear. I edited both of those magazines! I’ve corrupted youth! Sorry, Nik.


One of my favorite sites is Dead or Alive. I was disappointed, though, that the late Ruth Brown hadn’t made it onto the page. So, I wrote to them to that effect, and now she has.

Bank of America sings U2’s One. Described recently by Ad Age’s Jonah Bloom as “more toe-curlingly cringe-worthy than anything David Berent did on ‘The Office.'” So popular that it has been parodied as David Cross and Johnny Marr cover Bank of America guy covers U2.

“Amahl and the Night Visitors”/A one act Christmas opera by Gian Carlo Menotti
Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 7:30 pm, Union Presbyterian Church, Schenectady – 1068 Park Ave off Union between Wendell & Park
Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 7:30 pm, First Presbyterian Church, Albany – 362 State Street at Willett on Washington Park
Presented by Union Presbyterian Church Choir with The Opera Excelsior Orchestra and Soloists; Conducted by Victor Klimash
Handicap Access. Free and open to the public

Oh, yeah, and I’m singing Mozart TONIGHT at First Pres.


One of my colleagues got really excited by this “John Lennon” Clip from The Cavern, until he discovered it was from the Cavern Beatles; a decent simulation.

Johnny Bacardi turned me onto a website about the REAL Beatles called What Goes On. It collects Beatle (and Beach Boys) news from all over. It’s where I found this story about UK rejecting music copyright extension, which would, presumably, put the Beatles’ catalog in the public domain there during the next decade. Practically, with the US law with a much longer term, what will this mean? I’m hoping this guy, who is an intellectual property lawyer, as well as a rock and roll drummer, might answer this. He just wrote this interesting Apple vs. Apple piece.

The Fab Fred fawns over the Beatles’ LOVE album.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

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