Mingle2 – Online Dating
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
* dead (6x) * gay (3x) * death (1x)
There’s a guy I know who was wondering about whether he should start a second blog, one for his librarian side and another for his more frivolous self; evidently, he went the dual route. He said the latter blog would be the one that he might show to a prospective employer. I noted that said prospective employer could easily find his other blog as well.
I’ve found articles that indicate that many blogs are temporarily or permanently abandoned. But I was curious how many folks have multiple blogs. I know Greg has his main site and his daughters’ site. Some others as well. When I toyed with having my blog hosted with, as someone might say, the evil Hearst Times Union, the guy in charge of the blogs said I had two blogs in my blog, one with Lydia, and one with everything else; I disagree. For me, it’s all one life continuum. Yet, Greg’s division works for him, and me.
Or I always think I have the one blog. There’s also the one where I post articles that interest me, but that’s just to fuel the main blog; oh, the picture I posted there I did by following these directions. And I don’t have time to do another real blog, though I contribute to my work blog. I had so much factoid stuff that I helped set up the New York State Data Center Affiliate blog. And I started the Friends of the Albany Public Library blog, but that’s pretty topic-specific.
So, I only have the one blog. Or two. Or five. All active, i.e. updated within the last week.
Which reminds me of a reference question I had last month. The guy asked, among several other questions, how many blogs there would be in five years. How the heck would I know? I noted that, hey, maybe people will get off blogging by then. He wrote back and asked why I thought so:
“It’s not that I have any special insight that blogs will go away. It’s that by the time I embrace a technology, it’s usually a sign that the technology is on its last legs. That’s slightly cheeky, but not entirely. I’m not what you would call an early adopter, so I figure if *I* can do it, it’s on its way out. Sort of how Marvel Comics came out with a character called the Disco Dazzler around 1980 (to their credit, they DID drop the Disco just before its release.)”
My mantra: when everyone else has moved onto podcasts and videocasts and whatever the next technological breakthrough will be, I’ll probably be one of the dinosaurs still blogging.
Alan David Doane is BACK! After poking his head out on Groundhog’s Day, he started writing a bit in April and May, but in June, he’s posted with a vengeance (sometimes literally). He even cited, ahem, me. Welcome back, ADD. Those 75 historic e-mails were kind of interesting – except for the weird one about time zones – but I’m glad they’ve stopped.
Oh, and I seemed to have inspired Mr. Hembeck, who, in his June 20 post managed to evoke Brian Wilson and a fairly obscure former member of the New York Mets. It even makes sense, in that Hembeckian sort of way. Here’s Fred’s rating:
Mingle2 – Online Dating
No bad words were found.