Understanding the Bible QUIZ

About six months ago, Anthony posted about taking The Hermeneutics Quiz, originally posted on the webpage of noted author and biblical scholar Scot McKnight; don’t worry, Anthony actually has a link explaining what hermeneutics means, but briefly, it refers to the study of the interpretation of religious texts.

With a score of 65, Anthony was “a little surprised by the results, which on a spectrum from conservative to moderate to progressive” put him “right on the threshold between moderate and progressive.”

I, on the other hand, scored a 77; a score between 66 and 100, means I’m a progressive on The Hermeneutics Scale; no surprise there. It wasn’t as high as the score for Lefty Brown, who got an 85, since he is a proponent of the seamless garment, which I appreciate but have not yet fully embraced.

If you would, please take the test, let me know how you did and whether you think that is a fair representation of where you are in your faith journey.

Ramblin' with Roger
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