Twitter redux

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I had a very busy weekend, what with the child’s birthday party, church and a comic book show – so here’s some of my Twitter posts, annotated, for the last month. I haven’t noted retweets or where I’ve plugged my blog. The followers’ pic above was taken on April 5 at 8:45 p.m., EDT.

Went to daughter’s friend’s 5th bday. Princess theme saccharine as you might imagine. Misunderstandings w/ mgmt at end really soured me.5:08 PM Feb 28th from web
This had to do with the number of giveaways Lydia could take. I don’t think the organizer made it clear, and I ended up giving her $5, and appearing to her to be the indulgent parent, because I didn’t make Lydia return some of the items.

Mom in Charlotte, NC getting 3-6 inches of snow in this storm, same as or more than I am- Albany, NY. NOT why she moved south in 1974.5:33 PM Mar 1st from web
In fact, February and March were well below average in terms of snow, after a wet December and January.

Looking at the bus readout; it said 03/03/09. I said to friend Dionne, “Hey, an arithmetic sentence: 3X3=9.” She said, “You’re weird.”10:07 AM Mar 3rd from web
She doesn’t know about my algebraic calculations with license plates.

Citicard credit card bill arrived today, due in 13 days. Shouldn’t there rules vs that? Or are they hoping I’ll be late paying? Not me.12:01 AM Mar 4th from web
I thought that 2005 “personal responsibility” bill was a war against consumers; it seems, though , thaty it has backfired on the credit card companies.

Woke at 3 a.m.EDT to get pain reliever from upstairs med cabinet, find NO meds. Dental floss, cosmetics, rubbing alcohol, Vicks Vaporub.2:50 AM Mar 8th from web
A sign that my wife, not I order these things.

On the other hand, let child sleep in, took late bus to daycare, which had been w/out power until 5 min before we got there. Serendipity.11:06 AM Mar 9th from web
This was a complaint about Daylight Saving time and how difficult it is for children.

In the market for laptop. Not only does wife need it for school in summer, we have to fight re computer usage each a.m. I generally lose4:32 PM Mar 12th from web
So true.

Schmuck just threw 6 napkins, receipt out car window onto my street. As cars went by, litter spread 5 house lots before I could pick up.8:05 AM Mar 14th from web
Why 6 napkins for 1 Dunkin Donuts XL coffee bought 3/13 5:35 am, 457 Alb-Shaker Rd? And using a VISA (ends w 0507) for a $2.47 purchase?8:09 AM Mar 14th from web

Not only did I want to kvetch, i wanted to note how much info one can glean from a simple receipt.

Wife, daughter away. Go CRAZY! Clean house, get rid of old e-mails, write a couple blog posts, watch the Oscars – only 3 weeks late.10:54 PM Mar 14th from web
The rare times they’re both away, I have my own “to do” list which I can never nearly complete.

Bus stop guy:The bus is taking a long time. Me:It’s not so bad. Guy:It’s just the WAITING. Me:Yeah, the waiting IS the hardest part.8:21 AM Mar 17th from web
Apparently, when I’m tired in the morning and not feeling chatty, I speak in Tom Petty lyrics. I wonder if the guy knew.8:22 AM Mar 17th from web

Generally, I try to keep my tweets into one 140-character post; decided not to for this one.

Discovered leaving 1/2 hour early from work would only get me home 20 min earlier, because traffic is so much heavier at 5:10 than 5:40 pm.8:26 PM Mar 18th from web
Actually, rediscovered.

Town meeting last nt: how fed stimulus $$ will help NYS. Lots of info, LOT of agency reps who were to talk for 3 min ea; many didn’t.1:48 AM Mar 19th from web
Wrote about this here.

Wish I could pick Binghamton, sister’s alma mater,univ of my hometown, over Duke, just can’t. Am picking Siena-ALB Co- over Ohio St. in OH.2:01 AM Mar 19th from web
actually wrote more about March Madness men’s basketball…

Received Mar 23 Sports Illustrated today w March Madness preview, now that I don’t need it. Only a week late; Mar 30 TIME also arrived.2:26 PM Mar 21st from web
…about which i shan’t bore you further.

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”-Lewis Carroll, copped by George Harrison, who changed get to take.11:39 AM Mar 24th from web
Listening to George.

ABC’s Life on Mars’ penultimate episode tonight. Reportedly will have decent conclusion, unlike The Nine, ABC show from couple yrs ago.7:43 PM Mar 25th from web
Finally watched the last episode. It was OK.

Kibosh on date w wife tonight; babysitter canceled last night -pneumonia. What a lame excuse!10:12 AM Mar 28th from web
Need either last min babysitter or someone to take our tickets to Albany Symphony or someone to go w Carol OR me to ASO. Quel bummer.10:14 AM Mar 28th from web
It’s not ASO, it’s Albany Pro Musica, St. John’s Passion by Bach.10:53 AM Mar 28th from web
I was really glad someone was able to use our tickets to Albany Pro Musica’s St. John’s Passion by Bach.12:05 AM Mar 29th from web

The woman who we gave our tickets to thanked us by buying us an ASO CD, left in our mailbox when we came back from church.

after several days of cod, cloudy weather, today’s 65, sunny was like a heat wave. too sunny; ended up w near sunburn, function of vitiligo7:55 PM Mar 28th from web
30 minutes of direct sunlight actually did me in for the remainder of the day. Oh, yeah, that was supposed to be cold, not cod.

Happy 50th wedding anniversary to my parents-in-law. They traveled 15 hours to celebrate my parents’ 50th anniversary back on 3/12/2000.12:08 AM Mar 29th from web
In-laws’ gathering inc presents exchange for Xmas, my birthday, Lydia’s bday, etc. Got my first Brad Paisley and Diamond Rio albums7:25 PM Mar 29th from web

And I’ve STILL not heard these albums.

If I were in NYC: promo for Diana Krall new CD Quiet Nights, FREE PERFORMANCE Tues Mar 31 1pm Winter Garden at World Financial Center12:14 AM Mar 29th from web
Lucky Tosy!

Some are very attentive re who follows,unfollows them. Not an issue for me. Just discovered someone following me, was following me before.7:38 PM Mar 29th from web
Obviously that person had unfollowed me, and I just didn’t notice. I can’t obsess about that stuff; it’d suck all the joy out of Tweeting.7:40 PM Mar 29th from web

This generated a bit of back-and-forth.

Sermon today noted compassion is rooted in Greek word splochna, meaning spleen. Compassion’s not just a surface thing, it’s a guts thing.7:21 PM Mar 29th from web
This was a sermon at my in-law’s church.

Dan Seals died. Very 1st concert I ever saw was Seals & Crofts, 11/12/71, NYC . Jim Seals was Dan’s brother8:07 PM Mar 29th from web
I remember the date of the S&C concert because it’s the birthday of one of the founders of the Baha’i faith, which S&C espouse.

5-yr-old daughter worried her sisters (dolls, plushes) might be afraid of thunderstorm; I put them all in guest bed to support ea other.8:22 PM Mar 29th from web
Gotta talk about the kid SOMETIME.

Procrastination: bought bus pass, filed last of medical reimbursement claims on deadline day.9:38 PM Mar 31st from web
I mailed one batch of forms, faxed another and by this date STILL didn’t know if they were all received. So I refaxed EVERYTHING on the final day.


Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

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