Christmas Meme, Part 1

There is this meme that SamuraiFrog did. Then Jaquandor found some more. But neither of them are as long as this one. So I’m splitting it; half today, half tomorrow. OK, with the skips, it’s not really half. And I’m not renumbering this puppy.

Favorite Christmas…

01. Non-Jesus-related song?
“Good King Wenceslas”.

02. Jesus-related song?
The Coventry Carol; it’s on A Very Special Christmas #1. But then there are all the songs that I sing in choir. The first part of Handel Messiah. Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child. Almost anything in another language, from Adeste Fideles to Stille Nacht. And the Shepherd’s Farewell by Berlioz awes me every verse.

03. Santa-related song?
“Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”, the Jackson Five version.

04. Fictional character?
Ebeneezer Scrooge.

05. Dinner’s main course?
Variable. Can be turkey, ham or something else altogether.

06. Dinner’s dessert?
Also no tradition here.

07. Scent (pine, gingerbread, candles…)?

08. Animated movie?
I can’t think of a Christmas-related animated movie I need to see every year. I did see A Charlie Brown Christmas. Oh, BTW, just came across the mashup of A Charlie Brown Christmas with Hey Ya by Outkast; it’ll be a while before I get tired of it.

09. Non-animated movie?
I’ve seen It’s A Wonderful Life. Not required (e.g., probably won’t see it this year.)

10. Personal memory?
So many, which I’ve mentioned before.

11. Story/Fairy Tale?
A Christmas Carol.

This or That

12. Candy cane or peppermint patties?
Probably the only time I eat candy canes. I prefer peppermint patties but don’t associate them with Christmas.

13. Sugar or gingerbread cookies?

14. Tinsel or beaded strands?
Grew up with tinsel. Now, neither.

15. Multi-colored or same-colored lights?
White. Grew up with multicolored.

16. Flashing or still lights?
Still. Grew up with flashing.

17. Wreaths or mistletoe/holly?
Wreaths, but that’s my wife.

18. Rudolph or Frosty?
Rudolph, because I relate to his oppression. Besides my daughter has a Frosty book and I find it creepy.

19. Sledding or snowball fights?
Incresingly, neither. I liked sledding as a kid, but since I got frostbite on my feet when I was 16, I just don’t play much outdoors.

20. Snow or ice/icicles?
Light snow.

21. Snow hat or earmuffs?

22. Getting or giving?
I’ve lost (mostly) my getting vibe. Getting for Lydia is fun; the rest, not so much.

23. Snow days or plow trucks?
Plows. My wife and daughter have snow days and I’m jealous as hell.

24. Stockings or presents?

25. Cookies & milk or letter to Santa?

26. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Christmas Eve for certain.

27. Log Burning Channel or real thing?
The real thing, though I currently don’t have the capacity.

28. Cards or emails?
Cards, though in fact this is is the first since Lydia was born that we’ve sent any (and only nine thus far.)

29. Shoveling or cleaning off the car?
I prefer shoveling. It’s a consistent motion. I went years without access to a car, so the hassle bothers me more. I live in the city so I don’t NEED a car.

30. The Inn’s manger or the animals?
Animals, a function of a Lydia book about the Christmas owl.

31. Mary & Joseph or The Wise Men?
I always played one of the Wise Men, so there’s that. Sang a Magnificat (Mary story) this past week, though, so it’s a tossup.

32. Hot cocoa or eggnog?
Eggnog, because I don’t associate hot cocoa with the season especially.

33. Jack Frost or Little Drummer Boy?
I used to sing Little Drummer Boy.

“Yay!” or “Ugh”:

34. Holiday shopping?
Ugh! (Though online has made it tolerable. Barely.)

35. Icy roads?

36. Limited driving visibility?
Well, ugh.

37. Christmas carolers.
Yay! (I’ve been one.)

38. Mall Santas?
Depends on the quality of the Santa.

39. Salvation Army Santas?
Yay! Love this improv bit!

40. Blizzards?
If I’m at work, Ugh. If I’m at home and I don’t have to go anywhere, Yay!

41. 24/7 Holiday radio?
Ugh! They play the same damn songs every other day. I’ll play my own, thank you. My wife is a Yay om this, BTW.

42. Freezing cold?

43. Setting up the tree?

44. Wrapping presents?
Ugh. I stink at it.

45. Visiting/seeing family?
Feh. Doesn’t happen.

46. Ad-Lib on “Rudolph (like Monopoly!)
Does that bit have a more formal name? I find that it exists in lots of songs of that period, including Over the Rainbow and Try a Little Tenderness. Yay.

47. Free mint red/white candy?

48. Belief in Santa Claus?

49. Chocolate advent calender?
Did this one year. It was really inferior chocolate. Ugh.

50. Peeking at your gifts (or by accident)?

51. Making out with Santa under the mistletoe?
Depends on the Santa.

52. Decorated houses?

53. Extreme decorated houses?
Ugh! Big ugh!

54. White Christmas morning?

55. Searching for ornaments in the attic?
Meh. Actually we have a ridiculously organized place for them, so no searching involved.

56. Santa knowing when you’re sleeping and awake?
Very Large Ugh! I actually heard a sermon on this topic.

First Thought That Comes To Mind When You Hear…

67. Snowflake!
Crazy. It’s the flake thing.

68. Pinecones!

69. Elves!
Hound Dog. OH, ELVES; I thought you said ELVIS. Santa.

70. Sleigh!
Jingle bells.

71. Presents!

72. Cookies!

73. Misletoe!
A girl named Mary.

74. Rudolph!
Some Nazi war criminal.

75. Blizzard!
March 1888. Biggest snow storm in Albany history, also affecting NYC. Killed a bunch of people.

76. School’s Canceled!
Lucky them, but I gprobably have to go to work anyway.

77. Ice Skating!
Trying it once to woo Carol. It worked; haven’t done it since.

78. Santa’s Lap!

79. Black Friday!
To avoid at all costs.

80. God’s Son!
We’re all God’s children.

81. Melting Snow!

82. Lumps of Coal!
My grandmother heated with coal.

83. Nutcracker!

84. Ho Ho Ho!
Santa Claus

85. North Pole!
Global warming and starving polar bears.

What’s a Winter Activity YOU Do…

86. …In the snow by yourself?
I try not to go out in the snow by myself. I try to stay indoors as much as possible.

87. …Inside by yourself?
Play Christmas songs.

88. …In a public place (with/alone)?
Go to the movies.

89. …With friends/family in the snow at home?
Look, I’m not going out in the snow.

90. …With friends/family inside at home?
Watch TV. Christmas episodes.


Ramblin' with Roger
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