Handle with Care

In the local newspaper a couple weeks ago , the health columnist Lynda Shrager wrote Making whoopee restores body and mind — honest. “Sex twice or more per week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for men. Also, men who ejaculate frequently can decrease their risk of developing prostate cancer by, as the American Medical Association says, ‘clearing out the pipes.'”

“Clearing out the pipes”?

Then I found this article, which reads: “In 2003, research on middle-aged Australian men found that those who averaged at least four ejaculations a week had a one-third lower chance of developing prostate cancer than those who had fewer. ‘When you drain the pipes, as it were, you have less clogging,’ says Irwin Goldstein, MD, head of sexual medicine at Alvarado Hospital.”

Well, OK, then. As some of you know, my father died of prostate nine and a half years ago. While the general media touts those who have survived prostate cancer, I am reminded of those who did not. Here’s a mixed list.

Unfortunately, thinking about pipes, a popular Irish tune came to mind. I can just imagine men wooing their significant others with the tune to “Danny Boy”: “My darling dear, the pipes, the pipes are calling.” You can substitute “My darling dear” with any four syllables of affection (darling, dear, dearest, lover), including the beloved’s name. Or not. (The mind will go where the mind will go.)

Ms. Shrager talks about additional benefits of sex for men and women.
Oh, the pictures. I was looking for a visual for the F is for February post. So I went to the LIFE magazine archive, typed in the word February, and the picture above was captured. It’s for Thayers Patent Medicine, and the picture was taken in February 1949 by George Silk. The bottom picture I found typing in the word Thayers in the LIFE photo archive.

Interestingly, the product, a slippery elm throat lozenge is still being produced, “Trusted by tenors, teachers, tour guides and other types who trill, talk and testify.” Here’s a positive review.


Ramblin' with Roger
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