30-Day Challenge: Day 16 – Future Tattoos

I’m just not that into suffering for my (body) art.

For the longest time, I had zero interest in tattoos. I associated them with drunken sailors and the people with whom they spent time.

Then I’ve discovered in recent years that they have gone mainstream. More than that, on some people, they actually look good. Although there was this woman on TV this month who had some design on her neck that made her look ravaged by disease.

I am still concerned that while the design may look OK when it’s new, it may look less desirable when the body changes. Or the message that seemed on target at the time may end up feeling less than appropriate a few years down the road.

The other thing is that I’m just not that into suffering for my (body) art, and dermal abrasion, removing said tattoos, would arguably be worse.

Moreover, I would be ineligible to give blood for a year, if I were to get a tattoo, and blood donating I’m convinced is as advantageous to me as it is beneficial to the recipients.

I’m not likely to get a tattoo. But if I were, there is little doubt what it would look like.

Or a variation thereof.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

3 thoughts on “30-Day Challenge: Day 16 – Future Tattoos”

  1. I have one, I am the only Eucharistic Minister at Sacred Heart church with ” Born To Raise Hell” tattooed on his arm, at least I think I am.

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