Sausage making done right – Gay marriage will be legal in NYS

“Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.” – apparently misattributed to Otto von Bismarck. But every once in a while, you fry some sausage in the pan and it tastes great.

I was home watching YNN, the Time Warner cable news station, during an extended session of Capital Tonight Friday evening, when Steve Saland, a Republican state senator from the Mid-Hudson, started speaking about an amendment to the marriage equality bill. There’s an overlay on the screen indicating that Saland had not yet indicated which way he would vote on the bill.

But minutes later, it was obvious that he would be the 32nd vote necessary for the passage of the legislation. It was, among other things, a great television moment.

And after he spoke, I set the DVR and went to bed, satisfied that there would be a rainbow over New York; the state legislature would pass marriage equality, and the governor would sure sign it.

Then I woke up very early in the morning, and it was so. Yay.
Arthur’s observation.


Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

3 thoughts on “Sausage making done right – Gay marriage will be legal in NYS”

  1. This was another of those times when I watched breaking news unfold via Twitter. I was away from home, and it was my best option. I got teary-eyed as it all unfolded because it matters so very much. Thank you, Roger, for your strong commitment to justice and fairness.

  2. I commend the leadership in New York. It is a tough problem to vote on and lawmakers put their jobs on the line. I think it can be good we live in a no cost country and can choose what we believe with out pushing our beliefs on other. I wish gay consumers happiness everywhere.

  3. As much as I’d like to see Gay marriage allowed, it’s still a state issue. Just as Obama feels about it. The US Supreme Court will probably rule in favor of Prop 8 if it goes that far.

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