The Lydster, Part 98: A Poem

The Daughter wanted it published on a Saturday. I’m nothing if not an accommodating parent.

My daughter wrote a poem and wanted to publish it. Isn’t a blog a form of publishing? So with her permission:

Sally Wotsen by Lydia Green

My name is Sally Wotsen

I’m as sick as I can be

I have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 sting ray stings on my knee

I feel too sick to go to school
so please stay home with me

What is that you say?
Today is Saturday?

Bye, I’m going out to play.

(c) 2012 Lydia Green

She also wanted it published on a Saturday, and this was the first Saturday the 26th since she wrote it a month or so ago. I’m nothing if not an accommodating parent.

Ramblin' with Roger
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