Y is for Yellow Submarine

The soundtrack to the movie Yellow Submarine was not released until January 1969, some six months after the movie debuted.

Yellow Submarine was a song by The Beatles, with Ringo Starr on the lead vocals. It was issued as a single, coupled with Eleanor Rigby, and released just before it appeared on the Revolver album. It has a peculiar little difference, though, which I remember distinctly; on the single version, during the last verse, the responses start one line earlier, with “life of ease”. Compare the album version with the single version around 1:40.

It became the title song of a 1968 animated United Artists film. The Beatles themselves had little to do with the making of the movie – other actors did the voices of the Beatles characters – though the movie was chock full of songs from the latter half of their career. This is a movie I saw at least four times, once on a day I saw ALL of the Beatles’ movies in one sitting. I even watched it on commercial television (CBS, I think), which is not recommended.

Oddly, the soundtrack to the movie was not released until January 1969, some six months after the movie debuted. The second side of the album was instrumental music arranged by George Martin. Side one starts with the album version of the title song and ends with All You Need Is Love. There were four other songs on that album:

Only a Northern Song
All Together Now
Hey Bulldog
It’s All Too Much.

In 1999, Yellow Submarine – Songtrack was released. It dumps the instrumentals for other Beatles songs used in the film, mostly or all remastered.

Now, The classic 1968 animated feature “Yellow Submarine” showcasing music by the Beatles has been “carefully restored frame-by-frame for a special DVD release May 28, 2012.”

I haven’t seen it in a couple of decades, and it’d be interesting to see how it stands up.
(Note: I had some links to movie segments that are no longer operational; I am willing to bet that you can find similar clips on YouTube from time to time.)

ABC Wednesday – Round 10

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

29 thoughts on “Y is for Yellow Submarine”

  1. A favourite animation, or at least I think so – I haven’t seen it in a long while. Unfortunately your video links aren’t working, at least not in the UK. I don’t know if this is a copyright thing.

  2. Thanks, SP – I had to dump six links, and replace them with 5 others.

  3. Oh this does take me back!!!

    Thanks for the memories, links, and cool facts. Have a great week.

  4. I’m feeling old…remembering the 60s and all those wonderful songs of the era. Hope you have a happy and youthful-feeling week,

    abcw team

  5. Good thing I am working from home today because your post has me singing at the top of my lungs: WE ALL LIVE IN A YELLOW SUBMARINE Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  6. Roger, I’m back after a forced shutdown due to computer conditions. YUCK. I love YELLOW Submarine, the song as well as the movie. The YEARNING expressed in my poem about skinny-dipping came back as I read your Y NOT title. And damn, I miss ABC Wednesday and a bunch of other prompts! Oh, I have one more colloquial ‘Y’ for you: York. It’s a euphemism for barfing!! And lest we forget Binghamton’s favorite brew, Yuengling, delivered to our door by Sam the Beer Man! Peace, Amy

  7. Yellow submarine is wonderful! I lso have seen the movie several times!
    Thanks for entering my name ! It’s difficult to use internet here in Oz for every now and then it just disappears. I arrived here on Sunday morning.

  8. I knew you were a Beatles fan, Roger and hope I didn’t say anything to offend you, because I too like the Beatles’ music –or most of it. I’m not sure I know all their songs. I especially like “Blackbird” and “Follow the Sun” as well as all the usual like “Michelle”, “Yesterday” etc. My husband is from Liverpool and a friend of his was a friend of John Lennon’s. This friend was the ‘lookout’ for them when they were shop lifting! Music was great! Lifestyle not so much.I’m a huge fan of the King’s Singers, a capella group that started at King’s College Cambridge and they did an all Beatles CD — fantastic! Yes, I was a groupie:):):)

  9. Chris – you hardly offended me. I agreed that Sir Paul ought to retire sooner than later.

  10. It is amazing when one looks back what the future held for the Beatles. Paul and Ringo doing well and still making music and the other two gone much too soon. Their music will outlive them all. I still hear that song play on the radio now and again.

  11. Oh my I remember taking a group of Junior Hi kids to that movie, was that 100 years ago…They loved it…I didn’t at the time.

  12. I love that song-often wondered what it really meant. Sir Paul really sounded strained at the Queen’s celebration. I don’t think he will do any better at the Olympics–hope he does.

  13. I’d like to see it again too; it’s been a long time. Agree with Luna Miranda, it’s a catchy tune and now it’s stuck in my head. 🙂

  14. I missed a bit the Beatles when they started to become famous. I was too much involved in wedding preparations to listen to their music, lol ! Now of course I know all their songs.

  15. I too will be interested to see how it (and my idea of it) survives the years, still you would have to be a blue meanie not to enjoy the music.

  16. Before high school band/choir became my specialty, I taught for 4 years at an elementary school. The little ones (grades 1 and 2) were obsessed with two Beatles songs: Yellow Submarine and Maxwell’s Silver Hammer. Their reward for just about anything would be to gather around the piano, some sitting on my knees, others on the floor, others standing and crowding into my back, and we’d sing one of those two. At the time, I grew a bit tired of both songs (though I rarely refused their request and I loved many other Beatles songs), but this post brought that wonderful memory back. Thanks 🙂

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