Ramblin’ with Roger 2012 Random Year in Review

Hey, it was HOT out.

My blogger buddy and near-twin Gordon, the only non-local blogger I ever met in person (2008 in Chicago) always does this thing whereby he randomly selects a blog post from each month in the past year, and does a single post that serves as a “year in review”. As these are random selections – I even use a random number generator to pick the post and the line – I’m not sure how representative these are, but what the hey.

January – Will the advent of the talkies mean the end of his career, in favor of younger talent, such as the pretty extra Peppy Miller (Argentinian-French actress Bérénice Bejo)? My review of the movie The Artist.

February – Here, then, is Salon’s Who’s the worst president of them all? My Presidents Day post.

March – Or maybe it’s just that these dudes want women to shut the hell up, particularly about issues that primarily impact women. A political rant, so VERY rare.

April – One library vendor decided, after the fact, that library patrons can only take out an e-book, I believe, 28 times, because that’s some average book circulation number. In answer to a question by Jaquandor, a technology rant.

May – (Although I was REALLY hoping she wouldn’t opt for the hyphenated choice; after a while, when Mary Smith-Wesson marries John Smith-Jones, and she -or they – become the Smith-Wesson=Smith-Jones family, it can get cumbersome.) My Mother’s Day post; the “she” is my wife Carol.

June – During the House committee hearings on impeachment, Republican House member William Cohen of Maine’s looked pained as he recognized his President’s failings. An ABC Wednesday post about Watergate.

July – The fact that a larger pool of consumers, historically, has lowered the costs of goods and services. Answering Amy’s question about health care.

August – The people of the congregation were all dressed with expensive clothes and fine jewelry. One of the very few times I stole a post from an e-mail. Hey, it was HOT out.

September – We’d been to their wedding only a few years earlier. A day in the life.

October – Ever since I was old enough to discern things independently of what my teachers taught me, I’ve been utterly fascinated by Columbus Day.

November – On either side, there are possibly more people than what the properties are zoned for, though I couldn’t prove it. Neighbors.

December – Then some major holiday the week after that.
I note that http://byzantiumshores.blogspot.com/2012/12/best-of-2012.html Jaquandor does a great job in his year in review. I could put together such an extensive retrospective list – what movies I saw, which books I read. I have a difficult time spending a long time looking back in a strict annual way.

Dustbury on Patti Page.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

3 thoughts on “Ramblin’ with Roger 2012 Random Year in Review”

  1. That was a fun traipse back to days before we “met”. Not that I couldn’t do it on my own, of course, but it’s nice of you to put that randomizer to use and give me a starting place. 😉

    Also, I popped over briefly to your buddy’s blog and see that I will have to go back at some point and read up on some Doctor Who, so thanks for that, too.

  2. Roger, great year in review. I am ashamed to say I didn’t see the post after I had ASKED you to write about health care! (What a dunce.) But I clicked on it and found you, as usual, supporting civil rights in this arena. I’ve had about ten different kinds of health insurance in my adult life (and many harrowing years in music, with no insurance). Yet I have always been the same person. Maddening that circumstances may change your entire life, that you may end up living in a car. Health care is a RIGHT. And don’t get me going on “not wanting to pay for people who don’t work.” We pay more in Medicaid and ER visits than we would if folks got wellness care… GREAT.

    Also, losing Peggy Lee and Patti Page in one week just about broke my heart. Every gig, I would “warm up” by opening with “Old Cape Cod.” And did I ever skip “Fever”? Let me give you a link my dear friend Christopher gave me, Peggy singing a new Auld Lang Syne. Peace, Amy

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