Some inventions have been around so long that one tends to forget that, once upon a time, somebody actually created it, and there was a time when the item did not exist. So it is with the zipper. From Wikipedia: “A zipper, zip, or zip fastener, is a commonly used device for binding the edges of an opening of fabric or other flexible material, as on a garment or a bag… It was invented by Gideon Sundbäck circa 1917 based on prior less effective fasteners, but many others have made improvements and different versions of the device.”
However, as notes: “Elias Howe, who invented the sewing machine received a patent in 1851 for an ‘Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure.’ Perhaps it was the success of the sewing machine, which caused Elias not to pursue marketing his clothing closure. As a result, Howe missed his chance to become the recognized ‘Father of the Zip.'”
Others developed alternates, but none were viable, commercially and mechanically, until the Sundback model.
Here’s an Amazon citation to Zipper: An Exploration in Novelty by Robert D. Friedel.
I remember watching the June 20, 2010 episode of CBS Sunday Morning, which had a piece about the zipper.
My wife, if I should have my pants zipper, not all the way closed, will say to me, “XYZ,” which means eXamine Your Zipper.
The word zipper does have alternative references, to meanings in transportation, entertainment, and other uses. My personal favorite is Zipper Harris, the nephew of Zonker, in the Doonesbury cartoon newspaper strip.
Apropos of not much: this is is my 3000th blogpost to Ramblin’ with Roger. I’m much more into chronological thresholds than numerical ones. But there it is.
I didn’t think of zipper for Z words. That happens a lot with the harder letters. I’ll read someone’s post and think, why didn’t I think of that one.
Your illustration is fantastic with ztupendous info on the zipper. You’re right about how we totally take for granted our everyday items in life these days.
abcw team
Congratulations…3,000 you do have a lot to say (LOL) and it is always interesting! There are weeks where I get my post in under the wire, wracking my brain for an idea. I am no where near 3,000 (I have written just over 200) and hope I reach this milestone as gracefully and (seemingly) effortlessly as you have.
I look forward to Round 12.
One of the best inventions ever:)
An Arkies Musings
Ha Ha Ha XYZ….Wish I had known that code!! Years ago when my husband was on the platform ready to preach his sermon, I notice the deacon next to him had the zipper open on his trousers. I passed a note to my husband, and the deacon, discreeted left the platform by the back door. (Never to return….haha ~ No, he did returned all Zipped up!!!!HaHa. Hadn’t thought of that story in years…
I agree with Meryl: you have always what tell that is interesting! Thank you for entering my name. At this moment internet is back, but.. it can go the next moment.
Wonderfully informative.
Wow, congratulations on 3000 posts. That’s quite an accomplishment.
I have heard and used the XYZ before but never actually knew what it stood for. Duh!! I guess I need to think a bit more…(:0)
Congratulations on a milestone post.
Most informative post and photo for ‘Z’ ~ excellent ~
(A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^
3,000 Well done Roger! I have just ordered my 6th Blog Book from Blogs2print Six years. Never thought I’d be still at it. I love the info on the zipper. I like finding out about something we all take for granted. How about pull-top cans? They’re not as old, but very handy.
Zippers are such good equipment. Now they are given impt status, inside out zippers in some dresses.
I love your technical drawing.
Such a clever choice for Z Roger. Zipper is a good good invention.
Z is for…
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
It’s always interesting to read your informative entry weeks after weeks!
I nearly photographed a seamstress who advertises “zips fitted” but found an alternative. It is an interesting account.
3000 posts? Congratulations! This is entertainingly informative, as always, and I hadn’t heard XYZ in a really long time.
‘Zipper: An Exploration in Novelty’ by Robert D. Friedel. Love that!
Where would we be without zippers and how would we zip our lip?
If it was invented in 1917 I wonder what was my grandma’s (or her parents)clothes were like. She was born in 1913.
Lol, in the last round I also wrote about the Zipper ! Good word for Z !
the zipper is great when it works, but when it doesn’t!
I dont think I’ve given much thought ever about zippers. We do not appreciate what a great convenience they are. I really love the XYZ comment-I will probably borrow that one.
Very interesting! I’ve often wondered how the name “zipper” was chosen for the invention.
Very clever invention, where would we be without it, all buttoned up.
Congratulations on your 3000th.
I like the hint of using “XYZ.” Think we might incorporate the phrase into our “couple speak.”
Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure? Wow, that’s crazy. I’m glad we zoomed in on zipper! I’m going to remember the XYZ. My husband has this problem too and that’s a great clue.
We were XYZ people too… but I usually say, “The barn door’s open!” Love the history here, as always, something new to learn. You and Berowne are my best sources of interesting detail. If only my mind was not a steel sieve, I’d remember more. Nothing else to say. Zilch. Zip! Amy