Watch the important documentary, Two American Families, online at Bill Moyers’ website. In the same vein, To Rescue Local Economies, Cities Seize Underwater Mortgages Through Eminent Domain.
From Meryl, the graphic novel expert: The Armageddon Letters and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also, Zahra – from Paradise to President. Published in 2011, its story takes place in Iran, June 2009.
Brief Thoughts on Shelby County v. Holder by Mark S. Mishler. (But the actual title is TOO long!)
Daniel Nester writes about privilege. I found it interesting, in part, because it reminded me of certain white sociology students, in undergraduate school and subsequently, who insisted on informing me about the sources of my oppression. They also insisted I spell “black people” as “Black people.” Meh. Dan also gives cheeky advice for aspiring writers.
Thom’s apology to the GLBT people he knows, and the ones he doesn’t.
6 Things That Will Happen Now That The Sanctity Of Marriage Is Destroyed, presented by George Takei.
Eddie and Keith do a road trip.
Dustbury found this video, which is about Arnold Schoenberg and 12-tone music but is as much about the stifling US copyright law, the creative mind, the boundaries of art, and how we communicate with each other. He “learned more from this half-hour of unconventional pedagogy than from a whole semester of theory.”
It was the first line in Jaquandor’s novel, it was a reflection of first lines of novels generally.
Mark Evanier writes: “My father was a very honest man. Absolutely, utterly honest. Once, he found a wallet in the street with a few hundred dollars in it. He took it home, looked up the number of the person it belonged to and arranged to return it to them…with every buck still in it. He did things like that all the time. All the time.”
Melanie deals with the death of a close family member. “With it comes a closure of sorts. Unfortunately, this is one of those deaths that bring feelings of sadness, but also of relief- a lengthy ordeal over at last.”
Daniel Nester’s dad died, and those “pesky abandonment issues” pop up. He is processing his Notes on Grief, parts I and II and III and IV and V.
Related: 936 opportunities, which made me melancholy thinking about MY dad.
Chris quits smoking! YAY!, despite duress. And she has a new blog! BTW, she also made and sent me yummy cookies!
‘Friendly atheist’ speaks to thousands at megachurch.
NOT a Get Out Of Hell Free card.
Arthur answers my questions about music and identity and the roots of his political self and political philosophy & friends and boycotts and some other stuff. He also responded to my slow audience post.
The Mom From ‘The Cat in the Hat’ Finally Speaks.
The secret of the Floating Cork.
I’m egotistical enough to be pleased that Chuck Miller put me in his Best of our Times Union Community Blogs for July 25 and July 18 I also appreciate that he’s trying to promote the TU bloggers the way he wishes the TU would. As noted before, I never know what to write for that audience, until I do, such as when I wrote: The Census site with Congressional district data is cool. Really.
I noted that my friend Lynne tried to walk from Albany to Binghamton, but I didn’t mention that walking on the side of the road is NOT like sidewalk walking.
Daily Mail: Lollipop man banned from high-fiving children because it ‘confuses drivers. “Roger Green was told that he cannot greet pupils from Sandy Lane Primary School in Bracknell, Berkshire, with the gesture because a driver said it slowed down traffic. Hundreds of parents have reacted angrily to the ban by Bracknell Forest Council.”
Followup: “High-five” lollipop man given the green light to give “thumbs up” instead.
The Guardian: Notes from Overground by Tiresias (the pen name of Roger Green) was published in 1984. It became a minor cult, and though it never sold very well, it still gets into the occasional blog today. We admirers occasionally meet and share favourite moments.
Roger, I MUST get a copy of the book – is it YOU, Roger Green? Is it still in print?
Lollipop, lollipop, oh, lolly, lollipop, LOLLIPOP! (2-3-4) Bah-dum-dum-dum…
Went to sites about indulgences and Thom’s impressive mea culpa regarding LBGT people. Really admire his humility and his guts.
Thanks. If I went to all these links, it would take forever… loved the comic, too! Amy
It’s NOT me, Amy!
Lots of links to keep me from working today!
Sooo, how long does it really take to high five someone? Sounds awfully ridiculous. But we are a nation of inane regulations now, so I’m not surprised. BTW, I knew it wasn’t you the second I saw the pic, but the teaser copy did make me wonder……..
Actually, Lisa, that was the UK with the first other RG.