
I had an already scheduled appointment with my allergist, who said I likely had bronchitis.

Folks are often wondering where the time goes. I know where November went; I felt lousy for most of it. And the Daughter did too.

I remember reading that you can’t get sick merely by getting one’s feet wet. But it was a rainy Halloween night when I was wearing my sneakers and landed in a deep puddle. The very next day, I sat at my desk in the afternoon and felt so crummy I thought I was hallucinating.

Did nothing that weekend; didn’t go to church, couldn’t even read e-mail, and stayed home from work on Monday. But never really felt great after that.

I had an already scheduled appointment with my allergist a week and a half later, who said I likely had bronchitis. The breathing apparatus I got helped somewhat.

I missed three Thursday choir rehearsals in a row because I could not sing; I tried it out. Feeling about 90% now.

Meanwhile, the Daughter had various nasal/throat stuff, which had her coughing in the middle of the night, less so in the daytime. But she was tired, had a persistent sore throat. Additionally, she was stressing about math at school. I missed at least three days of work tending to her, and I unintentionally blew off meeting our intern candidate at work, who I had agreed to talk with, twice.

I felt behind all month. Planning a trip to NYC for Thanksgiving, I was rushing to find a hotel at the last minute; everything was hurried. My wife suggested I make a list; a list of all the undone items would have just made it too real.

Thanksgiving itself was great, though. More on that if/when I get a chance.

December will, ideally, be better. All I have to do is ALL OF MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. And special church music, starting this Friday.

Because I tend to work ahead, you may not have noticed the lack of blogging. Expect some shorter posts at the end of the month.

Ramblin' with Roger
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