Cherie Currie, chainsaw artist

Cherie Curry “did the most amazing carving in memory of Runaways drummer Sandy West when she died a few years back.”

I’m working on a library reference question last month. Someone wants to be a chainsaw artist, i.e., take wood and make art out of it, using a chainsaw. I don’t do this all the time, but when I’m dealing with an industry I am not familiar with, or for which there is little standardized information, I’ll take a look at Wikipedia. The chainsaw carving post reads: “Many new artists began to experiment with chainsaw carving, including Brenda Hubbard, Judy McVay, Don Colp, Cherie Currie (former Runaways lead singer) …” Whoa! And I came across this YouTube video of her woodworking.

For those of you unfamiliar, the Runaways was a rock band, all women, mildly popular in the latter half of the 1970s, whose most popular song was probably Cherry Bomb. There was a 2010 movie about the group based on Cherie Currie’s memoir. She and another former Runaway, Joan Jett, were interviewed about the film.

I figured he already knew, but I told SamuraiFrog, who has become friends with Cherie, about my chainsaw art discovery. He said, “Isn’t she good? She’s got a website devoted to it. She did the most amazing carving in memory of Runaways drummer Sandy West when she died a few years back.” He’s particularly fond of the little bears she carves.

One of the things people wonder is how I know all the arcane things I know. Part of it is that I have to look some of it up for work. That is the part of the job that I really love.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

7 thoughts on “Cherie Currie, chainsaw artist”

  1. I absolutely love Cherie Currie’s music and her artwork. She has done so many beautiful sculptures, The bear benches, the guitar, and many more. The one she did in memory of Sandy West(drummer of the Runaways)is so incredible.
    Cherie you are an inspiration.

  2. It’s weird how things manage to get one’s attention. I was running through a list of November birthdays last year when I stumbled across Cherie’s bio, and what caught my eye was the fact that she was only six years younger than I, which seemed impossible. It was only then that I noticed the chainsaw stuff.

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