Y is for the Young brothers of AC/DC

Malcolm Young had a stroke earlier in 2014, and the status of AC/DC is very much in doubt.

acdchighwaytohellGot all the way to Y before I found a family band for which I actually own none of their albums: the Australian hard rock band, AC/DC, formed in November 1973 by brothers Malcolm and Angus Young. I have a dearth of 1970s/1980s hard rock. Still it would be difficult for me to be totally oblivious to them, if only because of the schtick of Angus’ schoolboy pants.

You Shook Me All Night Long.
Back in Black, which is one of the most recognized hooks in rock music.

If you’re up for it, HERE are FOUR HOURS of AC/DC.

AC/DC was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2003.

But what I DO own is a hillbilly cover album of AC/DC songs. There are a lot of tribute albums of the band.

LISTEN to Jailbreak – Full Blown Cherry (Rockabilly Cover)
You Shook Me All Night Long – Hayseed Dixie
Thunderstruck – 2CELLOS

Unfortunately, Malcolm Young had a stroke earlier in 2014, and the status of the band is very much in doubt.


ABC Wednesday – Round 14

Ramblin' with Roger
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