
Paul McCartney is now “feeling great, rocking and rolling.”

There are plenty of musicians I’ve never seen play live, who I’ll never see play live. Probably should have seen The Who in the mid-1990s when they were in Albany, NY.

And when the announcement came that Paul McCartney was going to play Albany, NY, I figured he’d be one more. I know someone who was working with his people, but there were no comps to be had, the tickets were pricey and were expected to sell out quickly, and I resigned myself to not going.

Heck, Ringo Starr was in town LAST month, and I missed him, too.

But my friend said, “You MUST go.” She’d seen him play, and she knew how much I loved his music.

Then Paul got sick with some viral infection, where he canceled dates in Japan and South Korea in May, and the June 14-26 shows from Lubbock to Louisville would be postponed until October.

Now that Paul McCartney is now “feeling great, rocking and rolling,” The ‘Out There’ world tour will now resume July 5 in Albany, NY. Somehow, that made it much more of an imperative.

Through some sort of circuitous route, I managed to get a couple of tickets on Tuesday, which is to say four days ago. Who to take? Well, I had to take the second biggest Beatles fan in the house, the one I gave Beatles #1s to four or five years ago, The Daughter. And The Wife is actually quite all right with this.

The Daughter’s first concert was some American Idol runners-up, back when she was four. Neither of us much remember it; this, I suspect, we will.
Paul McCartney – ‘Save Us’ (Fan Video) 2014

Luis Suárez interviews Paul McCartney – Uruguay, April 2014

Paul McCartney & Wings – Got To Get You Into My Life [1979]

Beatles’ Relay Race
“Weird Al” Yankovic would like to set the record straight

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

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