The salvation that is Ask Roger Anything

it doesn’t seem quite so onerous when YOU ask me to write about the very same topics. Why IS that?

At some point last month, I happen to notice that I had 3600 blog posts published on this blog. This is not really worthy of noting here, but I did mention it on Facebook, adding “millstone or milestone.” At which point, someone said something correct – about it being either one or the other if I let it, or something like that; I can never find anything on FB, even things I write myself.

I was having a terrible time in that period completing posts. I had plenty to write about, but few posts were coming together. Part of that was how terrible the news was – wars, plane crashes, racial unrest. I didn’t want to write about ANY of it; too depressing to ME.

Yet it doesn’t seem quite so onerous when YOU ask me to write about the very same topics. Why IS that? Maybe some odd transference: I’M not writing this; YOU are writing this, and I’m only the scribe. Something like that.

You know the drill: you can ask me ANYTHING, and I will answer, reasonably soon, generally within thirty days. I think last time Jaquandor asked me what I was surprised I HADN’T been asked. Now there are LOTS of answers to that. And if you actually hit on one, I’ll let you know, probably.

I will answer your questions to the best of my ability/failing memory, honestly. A little obfuscation is allowed, just because. Can’t remember if it was Maya Angelou or Alice Walker who wrote about never lying, bu t to only give as much truth as is required.

You can leave your comments below. If you prefer to remain anonymous, that’s OK; you should e-mail me at rogerogreen (AT) gmail (DOT) com, and note that you want to remain mysterious; otherwise, I’ll assume you want to be cited, or sided, or psychic…

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

5 thoughts on “The salvation that is Ask Roger Anything”

  1. What did you have for breakfast this morning Roger? I had boiled eggs – I often feature photographs of my wonderful hen’s efforts on FB, do I sound sad? lol – 2 questions there!!!!

  2. We once had an fun conversation about the Lesley Ann-Warren, “Cinderella”, both of us having enjoyed it. Did you like the Brandy version? And have you ever seen the original Julie Andrews version in B&W?

  3. That quote you were thinking about sounds like Maya Angelou to me. She said something similar to Tavis Smiley in an interview with him, something like: I will share what I know, but not ALL that I know. I remember really liking that because I thought that it was a dignified and respectful way of responding to questions from people who ask about things that are none of their business.

    After your many kind and thoughtful comments on my blog, I think I owe you a question to help you with yours. What is something you wish people knew about you?

  4. George Carlin once opined that America gets in so many wars because we simply like war a lot. As the next one seems to be just revving its engines, to what degree do you think this is true? Would a country that really claims to dislike war really have a military and defense budget that dwarfs all others on the planet?

    Do you understand Pinterest? I don’t.

    Are women making progress in combating the “war on women”? Or are they losing ground?

    How concerned are you about tribalism in America? In the world?

    Should Scotland have voted the other way?

    What’s that food you loved as a kid that now you see and think, “Ewwww, how did I ever eat that?!”

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