Merry Christmas 2014

Joy to your world, for whatever reason.

Addams_family_XmasI think it was George Harrison, on one of those Beatles Christmas records, who quoted, or at least paraphrased, Eva Heller in Beim nächsten Mann wird alles anderswro: “We wish you everything you wish yourself.”

If you celebrate the birth of a baby born on the wrong side of the tracks, as I do, that’s great. (Yes, I know Jesus was almost certainly NOT born around this time; don’t get all Scroogey on me.)

But it’s a nice holiday, one that even atheists can appreciate. Or, perhaps, families divided by politics. And it can be true whether or not you’re with family.

Check out the guide the HRC has published, Coming Home to Faith, to Spirit, to Self, which offers ideas to LGBT people “for establishing and owning a faith identity, sharing your gifts, taking stock of your faith community, encouraging inclusion, and coming home or finding a new one.”

Hey, why WERE so many beloved Christmas songs written by Jewish musicians?

So joy to your world, for whatever reason, or for noel reason at all. Even, or maybe I should say especially, in Sierra Leone.

Jingle all the way into space!
R.O. Blechman CBS Christmas Message (1966)

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