The Lydster, Part 135: Percussion

He arrived at the afterschool, with a couple wagons filled with castanets, tambourines, cowbwells, and a variety of drums.

Drum-StickThe Wife and The Daughter were in a store a few months ago, when The Daughter found someone’s phone on the floor. The Daughter returned it to the help desk.

A minute later, a guy ran to the desk, hoping against hope that someone had found his device. He thanked the clerk, but she pointed to my family, and The Wife to the Daughter.

In appreciation for her good deed, the guy offered to give The Daughter a free musical performance, for a party or some other occasion of her choosing. He is a percussionist, and does programs for kids and adults in the area and beyond. The Daughter decided to share her gift with her afterschool mates.

The day before her last birthday, he arrived at the afterschool, with a couple of wagons filled with castanets, tambourines, cowbwells, and a variety of drums. We played a bunch of sonic games – yes, The Wife and I attended, too.

You know the game where someone hides an object and you say HOT or COLD, depending on how close the searcher is to the object? You can do the same thing with percussion instruments, playing them louder or more softly, depending on the searcher’s success.

It was all great fun.

Ramblin' with Roger
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