Y is for Yellow

Yellow helps with decision making as it relates to clarity of thought and ideas, although it can often be impulsive.

Color_icon_yellow.svgWhen I graduated from library school in 1992, I discovered that the Academic Degree color for library science was yellow, specifically lemon yellow. I felt rather ambivalent about that.

I knew that in color psychology, “yellow is the color of the mind and the intellect. It is optimistic and cheerful. However, it can also suggest impatience, criticism, and cowardice.”

“The word ‘yellow’ comes from the Old English geolu, geolwe (oblique case), meaning ‘yellow, yellowish’, derived from the Proto-Germanic word gelwaz ‘yellow’. It has the same Indo-European base, gʰel-, as the word yell; gʰel- means both bright and gleaming, and to cry out. Yellow is a color which cries out for attention.”

More about yellow:

“Yellow is the great communicator and loves to talk. Yellow is the color of the networker and the journalist, all working and communicating on a mental level.

Yellow is the scientist, constantly analyzing, looking at both sides before making a decision; methodical and decisive. Yellow is the entertainer, the comic, the clown.

“Yellow helps with decision making as it relates to clarity of thought and ideas, although it can often be impulsive. Yellow helps us focus, study and recall information, useful during exam time.

“The color yellow can be anxiety-producing as it is fast-moving and can cause us to feel agitated.

“Yellow has a tendency to make you more mentally analytical and critical – this includes being self-critical as well as critical of others.

A lot of this rings true – communicative, analytical, impulsive, self-critical.

And this:

“Lurking in the background is the dark side of yellow: cowardice, betrayal, egoism, and madness. Furthermore, yellow is the color of caution and physical illness (jaundice, malaria, and pestilence).”


“Yellow is the lightest and brightest color on the Basic Color Wheel and in the full spectrum of light. Even some blind people can detect yellow. This is why it’s often used for ambulances and emergency vehicles.”

Here are some songs featuring the color yellow:

Yellow Moon – Neville Brothers

Yellow Submarine – The Beatles

Mellow, Yellow – Donovan

ABC Wednesday – Round 16

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

18 thoughts on “Y is for Yellow”

  1. Yellow is detected by the human eye with green and blue cones, there isn’t a specific yellow cone. Yet it is considered the easiest color to see. That’s why firetrucks are often yellow, as are safety vests.

  2. Glad to see Yellow Submarine up there Roger !

    I’m just drinking a chilled glass of real Lemonade and it’s delicious!
    We’re having a heat wave here in GB,

    best wishes,
    ABCW team.

  3. As an artist, I obviously love colors. I read about them, paint with them, wear them, decorate with them, and even communicate with them. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love yellow, even though I hate the “yellow” press.. For me yellow is the beginning of spring!
    Have a great week, Roger!
    Wil, ABCW Teamt

  5. LOVE this! Yellow is also associated the “newness” (birth of a new day) and as a result, with youth. In the Red Hook area of Brooklyn, there’s a school whose outer shell has large yellow metal slats. Bright and cheery, albeit a bit too bright on some days.

  6. I love a splash of yellow from the tiny buttercups to the stately sunflowers. Now you have shown all its shades of meaning.

  7. One of my favorite songs of the Beatles is the Yellow submarine:)
    About your response to my weekly blurb – true, all these situations/ prejudices were already there, but my goodness I haven’t seen the (quantitative) reaction of even state governors on the latest thing since the 80ties (or maybe I didn’t know about it, since I was with my nose in the psy. books, lol). Have your read that last Friday on FB 26 million changed their profile to rainbow colors?

  8. No, but I’m not surprised. Not clear what you’re saying about the state governors. In general, the Republicans (especially those running for President) are against, and the Democrats are pro.

  9. Yellow is also the color chosen for friendship. And now I’ll be singing Yellow Submarine the rest of the day!

  10. Lovewd all this great information about yellow – learned quite a bit.

  11. u won this week with the most letter Y. In here, there is a superiority british complex that kids should not say ya, and they should say Yes, is rather silly when the teachers them self say ya. and we watch American Tv.

  12. When I was 9 years old, our family moved into our own house. I wanted my bedroom painted purple, my mom wanted hers yellow. The painters got it wrong and I had a yellow bedroom for seven years. Perhaps color does influence a person.

  13. Yellow was my mother’s favourite colour. I like it too, but then I like almost all colours except the neon hues of some colours! I have read that yellow flowers also symbolize the mental aspect of a certain deeper or spiritual quality.

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