The new school year

Because Easter is so early, spring break is not until April 25 – April 29,

When the Daughter was in kindergarten, The Wife worked at that school. The holidays, snow days, etc. were in sync. It was great.

Every school year since, the trick is to see where The Daughter’s school schedule fails to coincide with The Wife’s teaching schedule at multiple schools, plus my work schedule. Then we figure out whether we can trade with other parents in child sitting (optimally), or figure out who’s taking the day off work.

The semester doesn’t begin until September 8, the day after Labor Day. Almost immediately, I see the Daughter has both September 14 (Rosh Hashana) AND September 23 (Yom Kippur) off. In previous years, one or the other of these Jewish holidays would land on a weekend. My wife’s schools, more rural, DON’T have either day off, and neither do I.

On October 12 (Columbus Day) and November 11 (Veterans Day), we all have the holidays, and the two of them have November 26-27 off for Thanksgiving. But November 25 is Parent-Teacher Conferences, which means no classes for the child, but one of us should probably ATTEND said conference and stay home the rest of the day.

They have December 24 – January 1 as holiday recess, and of course, I have Christmas and New Year’s off myself. We all have January 18, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

But January 25 is Superintendent’s Conference Day. Another one to suss out.

February 15 (Presidents’ Day), we all have it off, and the rest of the week is winter recess, for the teacher and the student in the house.

This is interesting, though. March 25 (Good Friday), which the Daughter has off, the Wife does not. But because Easter is so early, spring break is not until April 25 – April 29, which, thankfully, meshes for the two of them.

June 23, 24 – 1/2 Days for the elementary schools, but The Wife will figure out what to do.

That’s it, except for May 30 (Memorial Day), which we all have off. UNLESS the district uses none of the three days are provided for snow/emergency closings. “For each day used, the following dates (in order) would become days of instruction: May 31, May 26, May 27.” So I root for snow days for which my daughter’s district and my wife’s districts are in sync.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

3 thoughts on “The new school year”

  1. You put more thought into planning out a single school year than I have planned out my entire life.

  2. Wow, our schedule is much different from yours! Peanut starts back to school next Tuesday! Spring Break falls at the end of March/first of April. Our district doesn’t take off for the Jewish holidays, but there’s plenty of teacher workdays and conference days throughout the year.

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