I’ve grown accustomed to her face

This is wedding anniversary #17.

washer_wringerThe last week in April was a school vacation. The Wife and The Daughter were going to go to visit Philadelphia to see one of the former’s sisters-in-law and nieces.

I was thinking, “Hey, this will be my chance to tackle all the things I never get a chance to do.” I’d read, and catch up on blogging – it was taking a beating that month – and all sorts of Roger stuff.

I wouldn’t have to negotiate using the computer, or hear about Dancing with the Stars – I REALLY don’t care!

More than that I figured I would sleep better because I wouldn’t have to worry about someone hogging the sheets. And I didn’t have to get up with alarm.

Much to my surprise, I slept terribly all week. The first night I had this weird dream about trying to hide an affair from my wife; the “other woman” was a married lesbian friend of mind. In the dream, it was an exhausting exercise. And when I awoke, I felt pretty much the same way.

By the time I saw my family Thursday night, I felt like – do you remember those old clothes washers with wringers, like that one pictured? You put the clothes through the wringer to get rid of excess water, making the drying process on the clothesline so much easier. The phrase being put through the wringer came to mind.

So I’m pretty self-sufficient. I can feed myself, and take care of the cats, go shopping. The family’s been away before, but this time…I don’t know how, but it was different. I missed them more, for some reason.

Anyway, this is wedding anniversary #17. Now that Downton Abbey is over, I have to struggle to buy presents, because The Wife remains difficult to shop for. I’ll think of something…

I’ve grown accustomed to her face Song cue

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

3 thoughts on “I’ve grown accustomed to her face”

  1. Mrs P has been away for a long weekend in Wales and since my son left home a month or so ago, I had the house to myself. I felt like you did and looked forward to watching the tv I want to watch, eating what I want to eat and generally doing as I pleased, but by Saturday evening I feeling oddly restless and wondering what to do with myself. The only word I can think of to describe it is bereft.

    But she’s back now and the house feels right again, albeit she has a cracked/dislocated rib having taken a tumble coming down Snowdon!

  2. Congrats to both of you, Me and Dee Dee’s anniversary is Tuesday the 17th, 14 years for us, and I love her even more today! P.S. I can’t sleep well when Dee Dee is not there either!

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