U.S. Productivity: What Is It, How to Calculate It
Workers, the labor movement and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Hitting the pavement instead of the sheetcake
Vice News/HBO Documentary on Charlottesville
Vloggger brothers: Race is uncomfortable for me to talk about
Kim Kingsley: My Life Lessons in Rust Belt Racism
Kickstarter: Mine! : a comics collection to benefit Planned Parenthood
8 years of suffering under Barack Obama
Alaska’s permafrost is no longer permanent. It is starting to thaw
The yard of campaign yard signs
Forgotten Technology: Man Lifts 20 Ton Block By Hand
Warren Roberts: Reflecting on my blogs at the Times Union
REVIEW: “Monty Python’s Spamalot” at the Mac-Haydn – the Wife and I saw this show. It was great, but we were so near the stage we feared that we’d have our feet being stepped on. And I was struck by a cow – seriously. A stuffed cow that was launched from the French castle; ’twas but a glancing blow
Jay Thomas on Letterman.- The ‘Lone Ranger’ Story (2014)
Which Gaming Console Was the Most Popular?
Tony Isabella: To Black Lightning, with love
Now I Know: The Political Race Which Was, Literally, a Race and Drinking and Drive-Overs
Give the back of your hand to opisthenar
Friedrich wrote letter begging not to be deported
The Message in Joe Arpaio’s Pardon and Fascism as a Unifying Principle
The Constitutional Crisis Has Begun
DJT’s list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000
How He Uses Deceit And Propaganda To Shape Perceptions
The Village Voice did a profile back in 1979—nothing’s changed, he’s always lied
How the Secret Service Treats Protestors
How he Ruined My Relationship With My White Mother
Chelsea Clinton comes to Barron’s defense after conservative criticism
Housequake -Prince, live (1987)
Waiting For The Waiter – MonaLisa Twins ft. John Sebastian
Coverville 1182: August birthday cavalcade
It’s Good News Week – Hedgehoppers Anonymous
K-Chuck Radio: I want a Beach Boys a cappella album right now!!
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band – Barbershop Harmony Society
Gated reverb: The sound of the ’80s
Gordon Lightfoot’s 10 Best Songs
Gene Kelly would have been 105 this month
The Good Old Days, and Two Lost Souls – Jerry Lewis in Damn Yankees
Rent Party Rag – Spider John Koerner
Sesame Street: ’80s Music Mashup Parody and El Patito, featuring Ernie and Rosita
Children’s March: Over the Hills and Far Away, by Percy Grainger