It occurred to me that people not familiar with American football may not understand “taking a knee” or a “quarterback kneel.”
The play occurs after the ball is snapped “when the quarterback immediately kneels to the ground, ending the play on contact… It is primarily used to run the clock down, either at the end of the first half or the game itself, in order to preserve a lead or a win. Although it generally results in a loss of a yard and uses up a down, it minimizes the risk of a fumble, which would give the other team a chance at recovering the ball.
“Especially when the outcome of the game has been well decided, defenses will often give little resistance to the play as a matter of sportsmanship as well as to reduce injury risk on what is a relatively simple play.”
This is what spiritual warfare looks like. “There is not a more perfect gesture of Christian nonviolent resistance than to kneel while the lovers of empire stand. It makes a spectacle of our worldly powers”
The Daily Show: When is the ‘right time’ for black people to protest?
Bob Costas on NFL protests and patriotism
Principled stands taken at great risk are often how movements are born
Is America Headed for a New Kind of Civil War?
Ibram Kendi, leading scholar about racism: education and love are not the answer
The Real Reason White People Say ‘All Lives Matter’ (from a white guy)
“Leave safety behind. Put your body on the line. Stand before the people you fear and speak your mind–even if your voice shakes. When you least expect it, someone may actually listen to what you have to say. Well-aimed slingshots can topple giants.” –Maggie Kuhn
John Green reviews what is known and what is not known about the Russia Scandal
Right-Wing Star Declares He’s Too Healthy For Insurance: Guess What Happened. He has a car accident and now needs a GoFundMe to pay for this hospital bills. The schadenfreude was not strong here; it was more function of irritation, way out of proportion, over his arrogance
Corporate Consolidation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Court Rules Copyright is Not a “Use It or Lose It” Right
Hurricane names are Insufficiently intimidating

Last weekend, I went to two street festivals in Albany. Larkfest I used to go to all of the time when I was single and lived nearby, but it had been a while. I was helping Albany Public Library staff to get folks to get library cards. The Madison Street Fair is smaller, but closer. At both events, the weather got HOT; sunburn at Larkfest, which is particularly bad for me with the vitiligo, so I used an umbrella at Madison.
Amy Biancolli: turns on the slide
Veteran Voice Actress June Foray Remembered at Packed Event
A Letter of Resignation Walking away, and “the hardest thing I’ve ever written”
Closed Campus? A Case Study of Skipping at Subchunkin, a place three blocks from my house
Now I Know: The Dead Man Who Sued to Make Himself Alive and The Man Who Ate Lots of Potatoes
K-Chuck Radio: Motown like you’ve never heard it before
Coverville 1186: Cover Stories for 10CC, Nick Cave and Oasis
Uranium Fever – Elton Britt (1955)