In a recent sermon, one of my pastors noted that he had received a circular for holiday shopping in September of this year. He promptly threw it into the recycling bin. That would have bugged me too.
A friend of mine posted on Facebook on November 16 that a certain local radio station was already playing Christmas music. I commented, “Thanks for the warning. Will avoid.”
On December 6, though, I started playing at least parts of my now vast collection of holiday CDs. It’s because it’s St. Nicholas Day in parts of Europe.
And I keeping playing it until January 6. After all there are 12 days of Christmas. It’ll be Three Kings Day in places like Puerto Rico, and Christmas in the Eastern Orthodox church. Since I grew up in a largely Slavic neighborhood in Binghamton, NY, most people called it “Russian Christmas.”
I should note, however, that there are seasonal things I do enjoy even in November. Arthur’s array of ads from New Zealand and the UK don’t irritate me as much as the American-made versions, maybe because they’re generally so well crafted. Or perhaps I just find them quaint. Here are some more ads.
Advent: Hearing God in a Female Voice
Ha! An article about having a “Stress-free” holiday included such wisdom as “You don’t have to make everything from scratch.” Good to know, but that wasn’t happening anyway.
Do you wish “Merry Christmas” to a rabbi?
This caught my attention in a positive light, though it’s happening throughout the year: Alexandria [Louisiana] church holds community feeding day. “Reverend Roger Green said the event is one of his favorite parts of the job.” No relation to me, as far as I know.
Now I Know: The Forgotten History of Jingle Bells
Where did Frosty put his money?
In the snow bank. All his assets were frozen!
What is Santa’s favorite sweater?
His Fleece Navidad
For ABC Wednesday
As an avid (or rabid) Christmas music lover, I can listen it to it all year! However, I do realize the holiday muzak in the stores is there for one reason only….to psychologically make people believe it’s later than they think to finish that holiday shopping. Christians do Christmas very well….but we don’t do Advent very well. Probably because we’re programmed to not like waiting for anything. But when we stop and savor Advent, Christmas is all that much more enjoyable. Hope your and yours have a Joyous Christmas and New Year.
In The Netherlands the shops try to sell christmasitems etc… quit annoying if you ask me. Evenmore we celebrate another feast first between half november and dec. 5.
Have a ♥=warming ABC-Wednes-day / – week, but most of all Christmas!
d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)
♫ M e l
Love your jokes! Have a very Merry Christmas!
In the Philippines where I came from we start the Christmas season in September.
I hope I won’t confuse you with this, but in Holland Dec. 6 is the celebration of Nicolaas (in Dutch translated: Sinterklaas), which was the Bishop of Myra (Spain, not Russia) as a day where he gave the “good” children a present by the chimney, but the naughty one get carted off to his abode in Spain. But you may have heard this already from Wil Francois or Melody.
Am very choosy with Christmas music, because I was in a choir for many years (long time ago). I like the Frosty joke:)
A merry Xmas to you, Roger!
In the States I hate to see Christmas things in the stores until after Thanksgiving, but that’s not going to happen. In Canada the hope is that Halloween will pass first before big shopping sprees. Our Thanksgiving comes in October. All that said, I do enjoy the season and all the decorations. – Margy
Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones!
Those were some cool jokes at the end of the post.
Happy ABCW!
Wonderful post for Xmas ~
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
The Christmas songs have worn down my resistance by now so I’m singing along. The Christmas adverts are always a big deal here with the various stores trying to outdo each other. Wishing you and your family a Happy Christmas.
Hearing God in a female voice would be intriguing. Where I come from,Christmas songs are played everywhere starting September 1st. Love the jokes.
I keep crossing things off my list, – some that I have done, some that I have decided not to do this year, thank you!. All the time I am listening to Christmas music, but mostly CDs of my own choosing and not the canned variety. Good jokes!!!!
Happy Holidaze, Roger!