G is for generations of grandmother

Here’s another of those family pictures that, until late last year, I had never seen before in my life. There are a lot of them, actually, not always labeled, regrettably.

In this photograph, I’m pretty sure who the folks in the picture are. The child in the front is Gertrude Williams, the younger. Her mother unimaginatively named her daughter after herself. Isn’t that what happened on the TV show Gilmore Girls?

In her youth, she was Gertie. But at some point, after she married Leslie H. Green in 1950, she became Trudy Green. That’s my mom, looking unhappy in the majority of the photos around that period. Of course, she was my daughter’s paternal grandmother. The last time The Daughter saw my mom was when The Daughter was five, so she doesn’t remember her well. Mom died in 2011.

What she does remember is a photo of herself surrounded by her two grandmas, taken at my mother-in-law’s former home. It IS a pretty nifty shot, which, I think, I took on one of those disposable cameras. And I try to keep Trudy alive to The Daughter through stories.

The woman to the left is Gertrude Williams, nee Yates. Mom’s mom, my grandmother, who I saw a lot growing up. As kids, my sisters and I would go to her house every school day for lunch since my mom worked outside the home. And we spent a LOT of time there in the summers. It was only six very short blocks from our house to hers. She died on Super Bowl Sunday 1983.

The woman on the right is Adenia Yates, my grandmother’s younger sister and my great aunt. I taught Deana how to play canasta, which I learned from my paternal grandmother, Agatha Green. Deana died around 1966.

I assume the woman in the middle is Lillian Yates Holland, mother of Gertrude and Adenia and grandmother to my mother. (Lillian’s mother, my mother’s grandmother, Harriet Archer, died in 1928.) They all lived in a little house in Binghamton, NY, with other family members until Lillian died in 1938.

I could probably just post these pictures every week.

For ABC Wednesday

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

9 thoughts on “G is for generations of grandmother”

  1. Oh, didn’t think of generations – I have a pic of 3 generations in our family (mine). Nice to know so much – there are many gaps about the families of both of my parents!

  2. It’s these little snippets of history that remind us: everybody belongs somewhere in the grand scheme of things. More than enough reason to keep doing them.

  3. Oh do, post them all. I love love love old photos. I’m adopted so I love looking at family photos and hearing about generations. Your mom looks very peeved! In all my “family” photos of this age, no one really smiles. It’s like, what’s that new fangled camera thing!?! I’m going to check out your blog now, I haven’t been here before.
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  4. We have boxes of photos and I have had to research many on who they are. This is a gem Roger–keep them coming.

  5. I can not tell from the picture where it is taken.It is neat to see the generations.Funny I always thought Deana taught you the card game.Now I know.She looks so pretty there.She never married right?I hope I am answering to the correct picture i.e.on the Ely/Ross park question.I love the old pictures.I am struggling to go through ours…at least I finally have a set up so far that the animals won’t destroy as I work.I am having the same problem with pictures not being labelled.

    Fondly, Chrissi

  6. Christine – Deana probably taught me 500 rummy, but I taught her canasta. Yes, she never married. We used to watch JEOPARDY! with Att Fleming together at lunchtime.
    Thanks for your feedback. I think now it probably was Ross Park.

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