The US has been downgraded from a “full democracy” to a “flawed democracy”
John Oliver: America is a ‘beautiful mess of contradictions’
What I Saw Treating the Victims From Parkland Should Change the Debate on Guns
Gun Control Advocates Look to Connecticut
Does the Exploding Federal Deficit Matter?
Our nation’s theological leaders should be torchbearers for morality, not enablers of ethical decay
Bombshell Exposé; the Affairs and the Coverup
‘Did he “call for bipartisanship”? Of course, he did, the way a carny barker calls for suckers
Satire: Military Refuses to Participate in His Parade, Citing Bone Spurs, plus a real response from a retired army general
Snollygoster: One, especially a politician, who is guided by personal advantage rather than by consistent, respectable principles
Lawsplainer: “Fruit of The Poisonous Tree” And The Special Counsel Investigation
The Sound and the Fury: Inside the Mystery of the Havana Embassy
Gun Reform: Speaking Truth to BS, Practicing Civility, and Affecting Change
CAN YOU SAY…HERO? Fred Rogers has been doing the same small good thing for a very long time… (from Nov 1998)
The Science Of Why SWEARING Physically Reduces Pain
“If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything”
What Can’t a Billion Dollars Buy?

Winners Of The 69th Annual George Polk Awards In Journalism
My wife and I saw The Bodyguard at Proctors and liked it a whole lot more than this reviewer
RIP for John Mahoney
Film Theory: The Tide Pod Challenge – EXPOSED! (selected by The Daughter)
The SORRY! state of board games
The Things That Come to Those Who Wait: A sociocultural history of the line
The Bronze Medal Which Took Fifty Years to Win and The Wrong Richard at the Wrong Time and What History Smells Like and A Penny Earned and Coming Alive at a Snail’s Pace and The Day Care Fine that Backfired and The Man Who Owned Google for a Minute and The Island with No Garbage
“if you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything”
Super Bowl Opening Night; Sheila E., Morris Day (the niece Rebecca Jade in the very first shot) or here (official version; loads slower)
David Byrne teamed up with Choir! Choir! Choir! to cover Bowie’s ‘Heroes’
Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture
With or Without You – April Meservy
The late composer Johann Johannsson
The Manhattan Transfer returns!!
Picture Show – John Prine with Tom Petty
Coverville: 1204: Cover Stories for Sarah McLachlan and Lucinda Williams and 1205: Celebrating the music of Neil Diamond, Paul Simon and Elton John and 1206: The Un-Valentine’s Day Episode and 1207: George Harrison for (what would have been) his 75th birthday!
Karl Goldmark’s Sakuntala Overture
Mardi Gras In New Orleans – DIRTY DOZEN BRASS BAND
This is Getting Old – Young@Heart Chorus (E*TRADE ad during the Super Bowl)