I’m not much of a monarchist, though I take passing notice of the activities of Prince Harry and Prince William of England, they being, roughly, my wife’s 20th cousin once removed, or something like that. Lady Diana Spencer, about whom a musical is planned (!), and my spouse had a common ancestor in the middle of the 14th century. Really.
The fact that Harry was going to marry an American actress named Meghan Markle who I, frankly, was not familiar with, really didn’t interest me that much. I have never seen or heard of the TV series Suits.
That is until the racial backlash began. Meghan’s mother, Doria Radlan, is African-American, and her father, Thomas Markle, is Dutch-Irish. She was raised by her mother when her parents were divorced when she was six, raised by her mother and often estranged from her father.
Meghan describes herself as “a strong, confident mixed-race woman.” after growing up enduring racial abuse because her mom’s skin tone wasn’t the same as hers. “While my mixed heritage may have created a grey area surrounding my self-identification, keeping me with a foot on both sides of the fence, I have come to embrace that.”
I wonder if such a match with Harry were possible if he were closer to the throne. With not only his father Charles and his brother William, but now nephew George, niece Charlotte and William and Kate’s new baby in line, Harry can be less restricted, I would think. Not that QEII would have cared, but would the United Kingdom accept a divorced, mixed race mother of the future king or queen?
Yeah, I know the whole system is all rather archaic. At the same time, it has allowed for a bit of measuring of societal change over time and that intrigues me.
Incidentally, despite the close relationship my wife has with Harry, we have NOT been invited to the wedding. I suspect the invitation got lost in the overseas mail, alas. We’ll have to watch it on the telly on May 19 like the rest of the commoners.
For ABC Wednesday
I will be watching the wedding as well, I think they make a lovey couple.
I have a healthy fascination with the monarchy.
Seems like there is a lot more interest in the royals these days with all the movies and shows about them. We’ve watched quite a few and learned a lot about history in the process. Of course, it’s “history” through someone else’s looking glass. – Margy
all that *ugly word* about races etc is not to my liking, putting it nicely
I hope they marrie because they love eachother, that is the only thing that really matters.
Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)
♫ M e l
Don’t you know we have snow in the UK Roger so the whole country grinds
to a halt, so I guess your invitation is lost in the frozen mail bags waiting
to be dug out of snow….The Spice Girls are reuniting, have invitations and will be performing at the reception.
Hope all is good with you and yours,
Di xx.
There was Henry with his 8 wives. That, to me tops, Harry marrying Meghan. If anything, the Brits may not like him marrying an American, being that they weren’t keen about Mrs. Simpson.
Queen Elizabeth is the stronghold ~ such depth of character ~ Your post is intriguing and love the humor ~ don’t know much about the younger generation but enjoyed your post.
Happy Weekend to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Invitation got lost…ha,ha… I like your humor in the post. To be honest with you, I don’t understand why people watch royal weddings. Really? No better things to do?