Full moon, lost keys, Berkshires vacation

What the heck was wrong with the world?

Check snopesThe three of us just got back from a week-long vacation in a timeshare in Hancock, just across the state border in western Massachusetts. I never write about these things beforehand or during the trip. “hi, we’re away until Friday. Please rob our house.”

Did you miss me? Of course not; that’s the beauty of posting ahead of time. But I missed me, and my quiet reflective time. It was difficult to keep up with current events, or visit other blogs, or write this one. I did have Internet connection on the laptop, but my cellphone was useless. There were a couple TVs in the room, but I never saw the news but once.

The irony, naturally, is that I have plenty to blog about, not just what I did, but what’s going on, such as Robin Leach dying. I think some other folks passed away recently as well.

A long-planned meeting of my parents-in-law, my two remaining brothers-in-law and my wife, sans the spouses, took place. This meant the “outlaws”, which is how my BIL’s wives and I have long dubbed ourselves, got to compare notes on family characteristics. It was surprisingly fun.

When the three of out we went out in Albany on Saturday, we wondered what the heck was wrong with the world. Two bicycles almost ran into our car, and separately, another bicyclist nearly cut in front of us.

OK, they’re bike people. But then two different people parked their cars and started crossing the street in the middle of the block in front of us. They didn’t even look, yet they had no distracting electronic devices.

This continued with more pedestrians and cars Being Stupid all weekend. Yes, it was a full moon. I’m not one to attribute the level of earth’s satellite to wacky human behavior, but SOMETHING had to be happening.

I lost all my keys a couple weeks ago. No clue where, but naturally, it’s been a royal PITA. We went to Home Depot Sunday to get new keys, copied from my wife’s set. Front door and back door keys – no problem. Mailbox key – ditto. The shed key, where I keep my bike – no can do. Feh.

Champagne kisses and caviar dreams to all of you.

Ramblin' with Roger
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