What the heck is a Triennium?

‘Here’s My Heart’

Triennium“The Presbyterian Youth Triennium is a gathering for high school age youth from the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church that occurs every three years. The 2019 event is July 16-20, 2019 at Purdue University. The theme for the 2019 event is ‘Here’s My Heart.'”

Here’s the thing: my daughter and I just got back. Or we will have just returned since I’m writing this BEFORE we departed. Talk about your time warp. I’ve been one of four chaperones for the Albany Presbytery.

“Five days of CONVERSATION, RECREATION, LEARNING, WORSHIP, AND FUN! Drawing from the rich and diverse theology, history and education of the Presbyterian tradition – the Triennium experience is packed with the information students long to explore!”

Moreover, it will have taken about 17 hours on a bus to get to Lafayette, IN and another 3/4 of a day to get back. Our departure was scheduled for 8 p.m. on July 15. That was my wife’s birthday, which was our present to her! Our return ETA was July 21 at 8 a.m., by which time she will have had time to miss us.

If I had still been working, I almost certainly would never have agreed to go. A week away from the job meant taking two days just to catch up. That’s been the nature of the beast. Also, if my daughter didn’t want me to go, I surely would not have done so.

“Digging into faith through a variety of activities and experiences – all focused around the theme ‘Here’s My Heart’ (Recognize the line yet? Hint: It’s a lyric from a classic tune/hymn we sing!) participants at the Triennium will re-enter their lives with a fresh sense of inspiration grounded in the context of personal and communal worship!”

One other thing, I will have been without anything to write on electronically for a week, a curse when you have a daily blog. I will have a cellphone but no laptop. So, if I haven’t visited your website, or approved your comments, or commented on Facebook, it will have been a combination of busyness and inaccessibility.

One other selling point of the trip that can check Indiana off my list of states. That will be #31. I had been through there back in 1998 on a train, but I did not actually DO anything for it to count. Sooner or later, I may actually write about the experience.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

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