Sunday stealing: creature feature

what winter?

The Sunday Stealing this week includes a creature feature.

1. How would your pet describe you

We only have one, Stormy, since Midnight died this summer.  I’ve written a post about her that will show up soon. But let me tell let me tell you a related story. One morning this week, I was in my office and heard a rustling sound. Initially, I thought it was the fan blowing against the window treatment or a CD not playing correctly. Eventually, I leaned over to look into one of our garbage cans, and there was a bat. It was a live bat. I don’t mean a baseball or cricket bat, but a mammal. It could not get out. I took another garbage can, covered up the opening, and carried them out to the back part of our yard, where I released the creature.

I’m wondering whether the bat came into the house via the chimney or possibly the basement or attic. Perhaps Stormy saw the bat and attacked it and the bat flew into the garbage can and couldn’t get out. Or did Stormy place the bat into the garbage can? I do not know the answer to this question. 

What’s the Story?

2.. Tell us a story

This week, I gave a book talk about The Undertow by Jeff Sharlet, a tome I will eventually review in this blog. Interestingly, when the conversation about the book ended, it launched into a very interesting discussion about the political process in the United States and what democracy is. As a political science major, it was very interesting to me. I posited that I HATE when people don’t vote.

3.. What do you pack in your beach/hiking bag

I have no such bag, but if I did, it would probably have something to read, probably some newspapers or magazines to read. A hat,  sunscreen, and water.

4.. How do you like to spend great weather weekends

I’m not a guy who hangs out a lot outdoors. I don’t say, “Ohh, it’s nice out. I’m gonna hang up at the beach,” or “I’m gonna hang out at the pool.”

I can walk under ladders

5.. Describe a time when the circumstances fell in your favor

I’m sure I told this story before, but I will repeat it. I was in Corporate (frickin’) Woods, where I used to work. Most know I hated working there. I had to get to an appointment for some reason, but I just missed the bus and was very upset. It was cold and windy. I needed to walk up the hill to get out of the complex. I was wearing a red Santa Claus hat with a white ball, I had a beard, and I was heavy enough. Somebody who I did not know, a young woman, stopped to give me a ride to the next place where I could catch a bus, on the Northern Boulevard. She said she picked me up because she couldn’t stand to see Santa Claus walk.

6.. Which summer sounds do you enjoy

it tends to be summer songs, especially Sly and the Family Stone’s Hot Fun In The Summertime and Summer In The City by the Lovin’ Spoonful. 

7.. It’s not really summer until …

I turn on the air conditioner, which involves my wife and me placing it in the front window. Considering the number of times we have installed the behemoth, it seems like we’ve never done it before. Where does that piece of wood go? Is it level? Where should we put the padding? It’s always a drag.

8.. What music are you listening to these days

I always listen to lots of music, but currently, I’m listening to people whose birthdays are in August. That would include Elvis Costello, Tori Amos, Count Basie, The Clash (for Joe Strummer), Robert Plant,  John Hiatt, Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits, Tony Bennett, and Louis Armstrong.

In The Summertime

9.. How much has changed since last summer

The difference between last summer and this summer is that my wife didn’t take off any time last summer. She was working all the time, and we didn’t do a whole heck of a lot. She took off for eight weeks this summer, so we went to Chautauqua Institution. But we also worked on many household chores which had fallen by the wayside.

10. What are your favorite things to wear in summer

Hats, specifically caps, sunglasses, and, oddly enough, long-sleeved shirts, because I fear getting sunburned.

11. What do you miss about winter

Winter in Albany, NY, is wussy. We haven’t had a whole lot of snow or cold.  It’s not very impressive. We had one very cold winter in the past decade. Our snowfall has been pathetic compared to our average norm of about 5 feet (1.5 m) for the season. People elsewhere tell me, “Oohh, it snows a lot up there.” Well, it did, but for the most part, it doesn’t, and of course, it’s largely a result of global warming. 


12. How would you spend summer vacation as an adult

I would travel a lot based on money, but I’ll probably want some downtime and my laptop ready to keep track of everything. 

13. Describe your ideal get-together/party

We so seldom throw parties that it’s a hard question to answer.  Lots of people are eating food and have a place to talk. I liked the party that one of our choir members held. It was on their back deck. Part of it was covered so I could stay out of the sun while others stood out on the outside deck.

14. What makes you feel like part of your community

Church. The library. Talking to my neighbors. I am looking out for things that are a little askew in my neighborhood and noting it to whoever might be able to do something about it.

15. How was your July 2024?

I’m overly busy and barely have time to write about it.

Ramblin' with Roger
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