#1 hits of 1974 part 1

Barry White

There were 35 of them on the pop charts! That’s why this is merely the #1 hits of 1974 part 1.

When I think of 1974, I think of Watergate. Richard Nixon, the only US President to resign, did so in August 1974. The Oakland Athletics won their third straight World Series that year. Musically, disco was starting up.

The Way We Were – Barbra Streisand (Columbia), three weeks at #1, two weeks at #1 AC (adult contemporary), a platinum record, received the Grammy for Best Song. It’s from the 1973 movie of the same name starring Streisand and Robert Redford, filmed partly at Union College in Schenectady, NY, in the Albany metro.

Seasons In The Sun – Terry Jacks (Bell), three weeks at #1, one week at #1 AC, gold record, a singsongy meh tune

The Streak – Ray Stevens (Barnaby), three weeks at #1, #2 for two weeks CW (country), #12 AC, a gold record, a novelty song.

(You’re) Having My Baby – Paul Anka with Odia Coates (United Artists), three weeks at #1, #5 AC, gold record. I’m not fond of several songs on this list, but this is my least favorite.

Kung Fu Fighting – Carl Douglas (20th Century), two weeks at #1, #1 RB in 1975, gold record. 

A song for my cat

Billy, Don’t Be A Hero – Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods (ABC), two weeks at #1, #20 AC, gold record. While I’m not fond of the original, I have used it to sing to my cat: “Midnight, don’t be a dipwad. Don’t make a fool of your life. Midnight, don’t be a dipwad. Stop causin’ me such strife.” 

Annie’s Song– John Denver (RCA Victor), two weeks at #1, three weeks at #1 AC, #9 CW, gold record. I was sad when John and Annie split in the early 1980s.

The Loco-Motion – Grand Funk (Capitol), two weeks at #1, gold record. This is the second time this song went to #1. The first was Little Eva’s version in 1962.

TSOP (The Sound Of Philadelphia) – MFSB with the Three Degrees (Philadelphia International), two weeks at #1 pop and AC, #1 RB, gold record. Instrumental.

I Can Help – Billy Swan (Monument), two weeks at #1 pop and CW, #6 AC, gold record. I liked the stroll delivery. This tune was used in a ServiceStar hardware store ad.

Rock Your Baby – George McCrae (T.K.), two weeks at #1 pop and RB, #19 AC—long version

I Honestly Love You – Olivia Newton-John (MCA), two weeks at #1—the first of her five #1 hits, #1 for three weeks AC, #6 CW. It recharted in 1977 – #49 AC. A different version, with Babyface doing backing vocals, went #18 AC in 1998 

A single week at #1 pop

Bennie and the Jets – Elton John (MCA), #15 RB, platinum record. This is the only song I own on vinyl, having purchased the Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album some years later—the official music video

The Joker – Steve Miller Band (Capitol), gold record. What is “the pompatus of love”?

Then Came You – Dionne Warwicke and the Spinners (Atlantic), #2 for two weeks RB, #3 AC, gold record. Dionne added an extra letter to her last name for a time for numerological reasons.  I love this song.

Love’s Theme – Love Unlimited Orchestra (20th Century), #1 for two weeks AC, #10 RB, gold record. An instrumental written by Barry White that was ubiquitous. Here’s an extended version. There’s also a version with The Three Degrees on vocals

Show and Tell – Al Wilson Rocky Road),#3 AC,  #10 RB, gold record.

I have the other songs I own on the greatest hits CDs:  Streisand, Denver, Newton-John, Miller, and Spinners. This is NOT the case for the rest of the 1974 #1s, which I’ll post soon.

Ramblin' with Roger
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