Sunday Stealing: 15 Questions

iptical olasion

This iteration of Sunday Stealing was purloined from a site called 200 Questions, but there are only 15 questions. If they steal another 15 questions, I don’t know WHAT I’ll call that post.

1. What shows are you into?

CBS Sunday Morning, 60 Minutes, Abbott Elementary, JEOPARDY! I record a lot of stuff but don’t get around to watching it. So when people say, “You should watch…” I nod knowingly. But I know I’m not going to add it to the queue.

2. What’s your claim to fame?

I suppose #1 is being on JEOPARDY! in 1998. Also, as my friend ADD noted recently,  “August 28th marked the anniversary of the opening of the legendary FantaCo Enterprises, a wondrous and much-missed comic book store in Albany, NY,” where I worked from 1980 to 1988. This decade, people STILL recognize me. Somehow, I’ve become the keeper of the FantaCo flame.

3. How often do you play sports?

Not all. I used to play racquetball regularly from 1983 to 2010, when the local Y closed.

4. Are you early or late?

I used to be late, but you can’t be late when you take buses. So unless I’m with someone who is late, I’m slightly early.

5. What quirks do you have?

See this blog, 2005-2024. I like to say certain words and phrases incorrectly, such as iptical olasion instead of optical illusion. Sometimes I can break into speaking like an old black minister.  The music I play has a particular order, tied to artists’ birthdays, holidays, award shows and the like.


6. How often do you people watch?

Constantly. On Friday, I went to the Capital District Transportation Authority office to get a new bus pass. The guy in line in front of me wanted a discounted card because he has Medicaid. He went into copious detail about how he had been in Denver and Reno, but he never got a license when he was there because he didn’t live there long enough. While he dug through his belongings, the woman helped me, but the card took about five minutes to print. So she helped the guy while finding some assistance for the people behind me who needed bus route info. Then she came out and gave me my card, my ID, and the $3 of change I was due; she was a very well-organized worker!

7. What’s your favorite drink?

A mix of cranberry and orange juice.

8. What do you hope never changes?

I have no expectations of things never changing.

9. What’s your dream car?

A self-driving vehicle powered by solar panels and stored battery energy.

10.  Where would you rather be from?

I was where I was supposed to be.

11. What songs have you completely memorized?

Lots, but The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel immediately came to mind. But not that lame verse: “After changes upon changes, We are more or less the same.”

12. What would you rate 10/10


13. What job would you be terrible at?


14. What skill would you like to master?

Time management

15. What movie title best describes your life?

Defending Your Life

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

3 thoughts on “Sunday Stealing: 15 Questions”

  1. The questions are from a site called 200 questions. The next several weeks will have more questions from that site…all called “200 questions.”

  2. I have a terrible time with time management. I used to do it well, or well enough, but since Covid I have not been able to find a rhythm that suits me.

  3. I’ve badly corrected things when reviewing documents. Usually speling mistakes where I will add as a comment things like “I never make spilling mosquitos”. Spread a little happiness even when doing a mundane task.




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