UPS delivery change request

UPS My Choice

Have any of you experienced this? I placed an order with an online vendor, not Amazon. Soon, I got an email from UPS saying, “You’ve Submitted a Delivery Change Request,” which I had not made.

The message body reads, “Hi, We’ve received your delivery change request. You asked us to Deliver to a new address.” I did no such thing. 

When I first received one of these notices, some years ago, I had to join UPS My Choice and add a delivery location. Before it closed, I had designated the CVS at 1026 Madison Ave., the closest venue to my house, to hold my package. Then, I changed it to the CVS at 1170 Western Ave., which closed on December 12.

I’m often home

I usually get the package, but on at least one occasion, I did not. I had ordered a book called Knife by Salman Rushdie from the publisher or the distributor, but they couldn’t deliver it for some reason. The book was returned to the publisher, and I got my money back without asking.

Still, I don’t understand why certain packages couldn’t be delivered to my house. A few I know were pretty darn large, and maybe they were afraid of porch pirates. Though we’ve gotten heavy Chewy deliveries directly to our house, many were small compact discs or books.

There seemed to be no correlation between the package size and whether they could send it to my house directly or a secondary location. 

Have you experienced this? I’m confused. I tried to ask the UPS bot the answer to my question, but it doesn’t seem to understand what I’m asking. Meanwhile, I need to change my secondary address to yet another location. Oh, goody.


I regularly get an e-mail a text message saying US post: “You have a USPS parcel being cleared due to the detection of an invalid zip code address. The parcel cannot be cleared. The parcel is temporarily detained. Please confirm the zip code address information in the link within 24 hours.”

The link that starts with and then has some junk noise after it JLKNU.TOP.  Then it says, “Please reply with a Y, then exit the text message and open it again to activate the link, or copy the link into your Safari browser and open it. Have a great day with the USPS team.”

Sometimes, it has a phone number associated with Nigeria. Please leave me alone, spammers. I’ve reported this as junk several times, and it has not gone away.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

2 thoughts on “UPS delivery change request”

  1. I get these scam emails/texts just about every day. I report as spam&still get them. I don’t order online because of it. I’ve gotten so I just don’t trust anyone anymore.

  2. My issue with UPS is that I have listed our deck as the default delivery location on MyUPS. I’ve even included specific instructions that we live on a corner and that the deck is accessible via our driveway and provided the name of the side street our driveway is on.

    Somehow that detailed information never makes it to the drivers who dutifully deliver packages to our front door. Each time it happens I log back in to MyUPS and double-check the default location has not somehow reverted back, but my specific instructions are still there.

    Forget calling UPS customer service. The words “I’ll make a note of that” is just how they get you off the line so they can lie to the next caller.

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