Don’t Cry! It’s Only Sunday Stealing.


moon 3/14/2025Don’t Cry. It’s only Sunday Stealing. This week, we’re stealing from Steph, aka Cry Baby. She loves Taco Bell and asks questions like these.

1) Think about the last person you forgave. How long did it take you to forgive them?
I don’t know. I can’t remember the last time I was in a situation to forgive somebody. The last time I had a lengthy disagreement, they were upset with me much more than I was upset with them. Let’s say we had a political difference of opinion for about four years. Eventually, they decided that they wanted to see me after all. 
2) Steph’s favorite fast food is Taco Bell. What’s yours? 
It’s been a few years since I’ve been there, but it is probably Wendy’s. I like the burgers, and they have an ice cream-related thing called the Frosty. I saw in a segment on CBS News that they are mixing Frosties with Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. It sounds weird; I wouldn’t mind having one to test it out.
3) Who was the last friend you hung out with? What did you do?
Over half a dozen people played hearts at my house yesterday to honor my birth month. I wrote about the tradition of the hearts game here. I wanted to have a hearts game at my house at least once a year, and, for the most part, since I turned 60, it’s happened. 
Lunar eclipse
4) Did you do anything this past week that will still seem important a year from now?
“Important” might be a strong word, but significant, I would say yes. Going to see the solar eclipse in April 2024 was fun, but visually disappointing. Others, even in my area, have seen the Northern Lights in 2024, but I could never find them.
I stayed up until 3 a.m. on March 14th to look at the moon, which was primarily orange during the lunar eclipse. Unfortunately, I don’t have a very good camera—in fact, I don’t have a real camera at all. I took a picture with my phone, which is unimpressive, to say the least, but I blew it up, and it appears in this post. It doesn’t look like the moon, but it’s cool or at least interesting.
5) Will this coming week be better than last week? How so?
I keep making a list of things I need to do next week, and the items remain on the list as I go through the week. Will next week be better? I thought last week would be better, so next week COULD be better, but there are no guarantees. Other things pop up and take me off in another direction.

Author: Roger

I'm a librarian. I hear music, even when it's not being played. I used to work at a comic book store, and it still informs my life. I won once on JEOPARDY! - ditto.

3 thoughts on “Don’t Cry! It’s Only Sunday Stealing.”

  1. Having a good week can be a challenge sometimes. Especially these days. I’m glad you got your game in, and happy birthday!

  2. I like a good cheeseburger (hold the onions) from Wendy’s, but rarely eat one! I’m so glad you were able to play Hearts with your friends for your birthday!!

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