About Roger Owen Green (he/him)

I am a librarian, retired. Maybe with my intellectual curiosity, I always was destined to be one.

Now I am pondering my existence with a child 50+ years my junior, music, politics, baseball, comic books, JEOPARDY!, God, and the celebrations of life.

Copyright c 2005-2025 Roger Owen Green, unless otherwise stated. Some photos are in the public domain.

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7 thoughts on “About Roger Owen Green (he/him)”

  1. Hello Roger!! I was surfing the internet for a guy I used to work with years and years ago, found him in your Nov. 2019 blog ‘Black People on TV in 1968’. Byrum Gilliam!! (not Stu…) from Laugh-In. I was happy to read about him as there is so little out there. I worked at the Deli Restaurant, Beloit, WI, while home from college in ’78, ’79? and Byrum was hired there as a dancer…..at a deli, you ask?? Cleaning out the cobwebs makes me recall it was a deli during the day and possibly on weekend nights, more of a pub/night spot?? I was a waitress (an awful one) then I don’t know how, but became a cook….(what??). Those were the days. Anyway, I’ll always remember him as a kind person, very talented, and the best memory: someone famous I knew and worked with!! Take care in these days, Roger. Amy S. from Wisconsin. P.S. Btw: my mother never let us kids watch Laugh-In; it was too unrefined. (>*

  2. Please email me if you know who I am – Elaina Wilson.
    Searching for my Uncle – Roger Green.

    or call — we have the same phone # . I hope this is you. It’s a far reach but it might be 🙂

  3. I tried writing you an email, but your link doesn’t do anything. I jus wanted to say I’d love to readwhat you wrote about Judy Garland, since I was/am a big fan.

  4. I worked win MacKinley Green for over 7 years at the TV and Radio Station in the old Sheraton Inn on Front Street in Binghamton, New York.

  5. Roger……I would really like to talk to you about MacKinley Green from Gains Street. Please contact me…..Thanks

  6. Roger, you email link does not work. Please email me regarding Barry Haydasz. Thank you!

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