Pop’s Death

I wrote a little about my grandfather’s life a couple of weeks ago. Here’s something about his death. Most of this is from the recovered diaries. I was living in Albany by that time, while Pop was still in Binghamton.

Thursday 6/26/1980: My father [who was living in Charlotte, NC] called to tell me pop died. He sounded incredibly like a newscaster reporting it. Apparently, the landlord hadn’t seen Pop in a few days, so he got the police to get a search warrant. He was DOA at the hospital {I was first told.]

My real regret is that in my 5½ photo albums, I don’t have one picture of him. Pictures tell a kind of history, which is increasingly important to me.

Called Betty [family friend in Vestal, near Binghamton, with husband and five kids] and asked to crash at her place Saturday night. She had received a call from my father this a.m.

[My sister] Leslie is coming to the funeral [from California.] I haven’t been to [a funeral] in 10 years, and I haven’t been to one where I really cared about the person since 1966.

The wake

Saturday 6/28: Spent $15.50 for roundtrip ticket to Binghamton – outrageous! After talking with Betty on the phone, I went to the wake. Pop died Tuesday but wasn’t found until Thursday, necessitating a closed casket, a fact I was grateful for. Dad arranged a wreath around the picture of him on the wall, which says “The Pride of Bloomsburg, Pa.”, [his hometown.] Lots of flowers, particularly from WBNG-TV people [WNBF-TV changed its call letters], who were in abundance at the wake. [My sisters reminded me that one of the arrangements was a wreath in the shape of a horseshoe, probably arranged by my father, in recognition of his love for the ponies.] Also present were [list of many friends and relatives], all people I had not seen in a long time. One man was bawling his eyes out, an old bowling buddy of Pop’s…

After a discussion on the problems of Veterans Benefits for burial rights (he fought in WWI but kept no records), and playing with RJ [Becky, Leslie’s daughter], Mom & Dad took me down crowded downtown Binghamton. (BC Pops and fireworks.) [I always thought these, in some cosmic way, were for Pop. Why it was incumbent for US to prove my grandfather’s veteran’s status, instead of checking with the VA to confirm that status, is now lost on me.]

The theft

Sunday, 6/29: Mom & Dad called, asked me to seek out a trailer. After striking out with U-Haul, Betty contacted a Mobil station on Vestal Parkway, from which we got a truck. [We all eat at a diner.] Follow Dad to Binghamton, where we discover that the very items we got the truck for, a couple blond dressers and other various items, including his coins, are gone.

Dad was very angry, tho’ he tried hard not to show it, and Leslie called the police. The items were present Friday night. It was clear that it had to be a 2- (or more) person job…

Sorting thru his personal effects, looking for discharge papers. (The scent of the bedroom slowly made me ill.) I found obscure items like his failure to pay his 1957 state taxes and court appearances so attached; a letter that I wrote to him some years ago ripped in two (which was how I felt about it when I saw it); and various & sundry pictures, 2 of which I will [and I subsequently did] get made into prints…

At the funeral, I saw lots of Dad’s relatives… Pop’s brother and sister were there too. The service…was pleasantly brief.

[Subsequently, a couple of neighbors were arrested for the crime.]

Well, that’s pretty much all I wrote. I can’t believe I TOTALLY FORGOT about the robbery. Maybe, my mind decided to hold on to the GOOD things.

Mother Truckin’…

I’m really ticked off.

One of my in-laws didn’t make the reunion last week because she was in a car accident. Last Wednesday, July 6, she was driving on Route 66 in Columbia County, NY taking her mother to the doctor’s office in Chatham. It’s a two-lane road.

Suddenly, a big vehicle is heading right towards her going about 75 in a 50 m.p.h. zone. Initially, she thinks it’s an oil tanker, but she is later told by witnesses that it was a cement truck. The truck driver had passed four or five cars in a row and could not pull back into his lane. My in-law could not head for the shoulder for fear of hitting the guardrail.

Even as the truck breaks in a futile 200-foot skid, my in-law notes that the guardrail suddenly ends, so she pulls off the road down a six-foot embankment. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt, though understandably shaken. The truck driver doesn’t stop but keeps going.

The estimated damage to the car is $2100. And that’s just the visible, exterior damage.

More furious

Now I’ll tell you why I’m REALLY ticked off:

The deputy sheriff shows up and takes a report, but doesn’t seem all that interested in the details of the accident until the family nags him repeatedly. The Sheriff’s office has been very uncooperative with my in-law’s insurance company, not being forthcoming with any of the information that was obtained from the witnesses at the scene. One of my other in-laws theorizes that the Sheriff, who is running for reelection, does not want to upset the rich and powerful cement company. Seems cynical. It also sounds plausible.

I’m not one who is overly litigious, but if it were my call (and it’s not), I’d at least threaten the cement company with a lawsuit.

So, if you happen to have seen anything last Wednesday morning on Route 66 in Columbia County that fits this general description please e-mail me, even if you spoke to the Sheriff’s Department. ESPECIALLY if you spoke to the Sheriff’s Department. And if you didn’t, thanks for letting me vent.

Rove Must Go

In Rogerland, Karl Rove quits the W White House, or preferably, he is fired (which would break poor Georgie’s heart.)

In Rogerland, Karl Rove is indicted for outing CIA operative Valerie Plame, which Robert Novak prints.

In Rogerland, leaky Novak retires in shame.

Will the real world coincide with Rogerland? TIME, and its reporter, will tell. (But jailed reporter Judith Miller of the New York Times will not, bless her “Freedom of the Press” heart…)

Give up?

I got this e-mail from a friend last month. I called him back that weekend and tried to give him some encouraging words, like a couple W political losses at that time. But I’m not certain how well I did. Do YOU folks have some ideas?

You know, I actually don’t know anyone else I could discuss this meaningfully with; most of my friends are either apolitical or cynical to the point of absurdist caricature (with some nihilism thrown in for that extra value added).

At what point do we give up?

As I do every [public radio] fund drive, I donate $100, and heck, I get a CD out of it…Maurice Hinchey on the History of War with Iraq, Scott Ritter on the Myth of WMD in Iraq. This time, there is Bill Moyers’ address to the National Press Club at which he reads from Orwell, and talks about the evolution of journalism into consensus-forming rather than investigative reporting.

Then, since I now have cable Internet, I can watch video feeds, and caught William Rivers Pitt of Truthout addressing the Progressive Democrats of America (who, since I’ve become aware of the Congressional caucus of them, I tend to think of as “Green Democrats”).

Then I thought of a birthday card you sent me shortly after we graduated from college, and it said “It’s You and Me Against the World…” and inside, “…and frankly, I think we’re gonna be crushed.”

Amidst my disgust and rage at the corporate masters and the Fundie Dominionists, a voice keeps popping up in my head saying “Your side has LOST.” And much of the evidence seems to point to that. Our belief, and social progress we’ve been made, appears under shock & awe attack on, well, just about EVERY front that is important to me.

And I do love my country and the founding principles, but when does one cut and run? ‘Cuz it’s not just me. I’ve got a family to consider, and I don’t want my child to grow up in this sort of Empire. And Canada, far from a perfect utopia (seal pups and native Americans, and Roman Catholicism, after all), is at least not a warmongering imperialist, their culture is not alien, and the border is so close…

I’m gritting my teeth and will try to endure thru the 2006 elections (but I really don’t know if I can vote for Hillary again, even if I hold my nose), but if the fix is in, or the Cows just stand around chewing their cuds…well, THEY may deserve the slaughterhouse they will be lead to. But WE don’t.

Any words of wisdom? ‘cuz I’m tapped out, my friend.


Send profound (or mundane) observations to me, please. Because, while I’m not at my friend’s point, I surely know what he means.

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