Jealous of Dick Cheney

When I was away, I found myself watching the news a lot. And a lot went on last week: airports in the UK threatened, the end of the immigration bill, significant Supreme Court rulings, more fires and floods, the surviving Beatles on Larry King (hey, it was important to me), Elizabeth Edwards in a dustup with someone. Watched CNN, MSNBC, even five minutes of FOX News before the gag reflex kicked in.

But my favorite story was about the Vice President, and I’ll tell you why. My wife works for a school consortium, but works at two other schools. She is bound by the rules, not only of the consortium, but of the individual schools as well. My company, the NYS Small Business Development Center, has reporting obligations to the State University of New York, the U.S. Small Business Administration, AND the Association of Small Business Development Centers. Dick Cheney, however, has found a way for us all to put that red tape behind him. When someone asks him who has been meeting in his office on his energy policy, he can claim executive privilege. When he’s asked to abide by an executive order to declare what secrets he’s holding, he becomes, as President of the U.S. Senate, a member of the legislative body.

This is BRILLIANT! I’m sure that my organization, and entities in the same situation, will now be able to say, “Oh, X, we don’t have to tell you that, because we also report to Y.” All of those calls for his impeachment or resignation will certainly now immediately cease.

Oh, and just yesterday, a prisoner in Cheneyland, Scooter Libby, got his jail time eliminated. “And justice for all” indeed.

Should They Stay or Should They Go QUESTIONS

As distressed as I’ve sometimes been over things in these United States, I’ve never given any real thought about, say, moving to Canada. But people with whom I’m acquainted have considered it, with some degree of seriousness. Even in the midst of the VietNam War, when I had a very low draft number, it had not occurred to me to think about departing, though many did. So, I find it rather entertaining to note that at least some Vermonters want to secede from the Union.

Meanwhile, to the dismay of some, Democrats in Washington want to keep impeachment off the table. I guess I’m in that group that say 1) and make DICK CHENEY President? Are you kidding?, and 2) any impeachment procedure, no matter how justified – and I think it may be, over the domestic spying and signing documents alone – WILL be seen as partisan politics, retaliation for the (idiotic) Clinton impeachment. But I could be persuaded. Should the President be impeached? Will he be impeached? Are things seeming so bleak that you’d leave the United States, if you live here? (And if you don’t, how are you feeling about your country’s government?) And will you be moving to Vermont any time soon?

On another topic, any of you with AOL accounts find the “moustache” version more difficult to open? It seems better now, but initially it didn’t work at all. Once, it didn’t open in German:
Fehler beim Herunterladen des erwünschten Inhalts.
Beim Herunterladen des erwünschten Inhalts ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.
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It’s good to know the German words for eMail and Homepage.

Finally, is there even one person out there who feels sorry for that person who actually may have to serve a 45-day sentence, the one who cried out, “Mommy! Don’t they know I’m rich, and above the law?” Well, I don’t, and I have found not a soul, not a soul, who, in the words of Mr. T, pities the fool, though leave it to Gordon to take the high road. (I am operating on yesterday’s info that she’s still in jail.)


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