Scary meme

Yeah, I know Halloween is over; I don’t care. From Jaquandor via Tosy.

1. What is your favorite work of horror fiction?

I have no idea. I’ve never read any horror novels, though I’ve seen movie adaptations of some of Stephen King’s work.
I was talking just recently to someone about Rolf Stark. He was an artist published for a time by FantaCo. His work, some of which was more like horror fact than fiction, was quite disturbing.

2. Who is your favorite monster?

The monster of Frankenstein. Or Grover.

3. What horror movie gives you the most chills?

I still don’t remember the title. I was nine or ten at the time. The story involved this woman who was old and/or homely but became lovely through this potion. Men found her irresistible, but if they kissed her, she’d revert to her former self. She had to kill them, using some ring to the jugular, and blow some powder to return to her beautiful self. I was about 10 or 11, so this movie came out before 1964. The thing gave me nightmares for MONTHS. It was, quite literally, a pain in the neck.

4. Freddy versus Jason?

I ODed on Freddy. FantaCo sold Freddy gloves, Freddy masks. That said, Jason seemed like a doofus in a hockey mask. Probably Freddy, barely.

5. Ghosts or goblins?

Friendly ghosts like Casper.

6. What is your scariest encounter with the paranormal?

I don’t know that it was “paranormal” but I spoke in tongues once.

7. Do you believe in ghosts?

I consider the thought that people from beyond watching over me undisturbing.

8. Favorite Halloween costume?

This one.

9. If you had an unlimited budget, what would your fantasy costume be for this Halloween?

Chuck Berry.

10. When was the last time you went trick or treating?

Seventh or eighth grade.

11. What’s your favorite Halloween candy?

Mark Evanier is convinced that nobody likes candy corn, and even posted a Lewis Black video from YouTube (alas, no longer available) to prove his point. He’s wrong, though this season I probably only had about a half dozen.

12. Tell us about a scary nightmare you had.

I had a recurring nightmare of being in the back of a large automobile, it crashing through the railings of a bridge, crashing into the river, and sinking to the bottom. The level of intensity depended on how open the windows were; it was usually a slow leak into the vehicle.

13. What is your supernatural fear?

I don’t have any.

14. What is your creepy-crawlie fear?

Snakes. don’t matter that there are probably none of the venomous variety around here. Oh, and rats.

15. Would you ever stay in a real haunted house overnight?

Sure, why not?

16. Are you a traditionalist (just a face) Jack O’Lantern carver, or do you get really creative with your pumpkins?

Well, this year’ pumpkin, carved by my wife, had two faces – a smiling face and a scary face.

17. How much do you decorate your home for Halloween?

Not at all.

18. Do you think Halloween is too commercial these days?

No, but I don’t want to think about it in August.
More scary things:
The New England Patriots are now 9-0, after their 24-20 win over the Indianapolis Colts.
The Writers’ Guild strike is underway. Or is it Writers’ Guilds, since there’s a WGA East and a WGA West. Most of what I know about this comes from Evanier, but it seems reasonable that writers should benefit from the newer technologies such as DVD and video streaming.


Johnny Bacardi’s blogiversary

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So, Johnny Bacardi hit his blog’s fifth anniversary, then quit it. It’s a great valedictory piece, starting with the sound clip “Five Years” by David Bowie; the given names of both David Bowie and Johnny Bacardi is David Jones. Fortunately, Johnny’s still doing his LiveJournal. So, ironically, everything on this post was used in Johnny’s LJ in 2005.

Which Bob Dylan song are you?

The Times They Are A-Changin’

Personality Test Results

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

I feel like I’m forgetting someone else’s blogiversary. I mean, Lefty hit his fourth, but even HE forgot that.

Hello, it’s me

No idea where I found this:
Click to view my Personality Profile page
I told you I was shy. Why do so few people believe me?
Someone was complaining about my spelling of the word pierogi (as pierogy) recently, even though most sources cite both as correct. It’s in that spirit, and in honor of Dictionary Day last week (yes, I missed it, alas), that I share this piece about some other words where the standard spelling is changing:

Besides the last of the Rat Pack guy, whose late-night show I used to watch – Regis Philbin was his sidekick; and that From Here To Eternity woman – still a steamy sea scene a half century later; I noticed the death recently of Vernon Bellecourt, who led the “charge against Indians as sports mascots”. More than merely the nickname, the goofy image of the Indians logo has long given me pause. In any case, the Red Sox whomped Cleveland last night, so it’ll be Boston who I’ll be rooting for against Colorado.
I’m recommending you read Dan Van Riper’s October 14 piece on Yassin Aref, who was almost certainly convicted in a bogus FBI operation. On a lighter note, see how ADD discovers he’s not five years old anymore and how Scott answers questions posed by, among others, me.

Three word answers

I snagged this from Jaquandor, again. “You answer each question with three words, and only three words. Three. ‘Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.'”

At least three answers I just stole outright.

1. Where is your cell phone?:

Missing in action.

2. Your boyfriend?:

I need definition.

3. Your hair?:

Less than most.

4. Where is your father?:

Buried in Carolina.

5. Cheesecake?:

I’d love some!

6. Your favorite thing to do?:

Listen to music.

7. Your dream last night?:

Out of focus.

8. Your favorite drink?:

White, white wine.

9. Your dream car?:

Do not care.

10. The room you’re in?:

Warm and messy.

11. George Bush?:

Well, which one?

12. Your fears?

Nothing jumps out.

13. Nipple rings?

No, thank you.

14. Who did you hang out with last night?

My work colleagues.

15. What you’re not good at?

Most mechanical things.

16. Your best friend?

Pick just one?

17. One of your wish list items?

American Beatles discs.

18. Where did you grow up?

Binghamton, New York.

19. The last thing you did before survey?

Attendede a workshop.

20. What are you wearing?

The usual fare.

21. Tattoo on the small of a back?

No tattoos, thanks.

22. Ketchup?

On French fries.

23. Your computer?

A necessary evil.

24. Your life?

Usually in flux.

25. Your mood?

Usually in flux.

26. Missing?

Raoul, Nancy, Donna.

27. What are you thinking about right now?

Three-word answers.

28. Your car?

Don’t drive it.

29. Your work?

Stimulates my brain.

30. Your summer?

It’s all right.

31. Your relationship status?

Off the market.

32. Your favorite color(s)

Green, blue, purple.

33. When is the last time you laughed?

Just this morning.

34. Last time you cried?

Not that hard.

35. High school?

Was all right.


Roger Green, Lobbyist

Per Jaquandor:

1. Go to

2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.

3. Take their “Career Matchmaker” questions.

4. Post the top ten results.

Here now the results:
1. Lobbyist – not gonna happen.
2. Actor – “To be, or whatever.” Haven’t even been in a local production since 1985, when I was the hard-drinking Simon Stimpson in a production of Our Town.
3. Tour Guide – actually, I could do that.
4. Librarian – hmm, maybe I should consider that…
5. Criminologist -really? I’ve only seen CSI once.
6. Dental Assistant – the idea of flossing others doesn’t really appeal to me.
7. Professor – I’ve taught one session of one business course a few times, but as a full-time gig, I don’t know.
8. Anthropologist – Could be interesting.
9. Comedian – This IS funny. If there is one of these I’m TOTALLY unqualified for, it’s this. I can be funny, but I have no capacity for jokes. On the other hand, if I were on a sitcom, playing it straight, maybe.
10. Communications Specialist – I could do that.

Actually, the next 10 seem to be more on target:
11. Critic
12. Casting Director
13. Activist
14. Public Policy Analyst
15. Political Aide
16. Print Journalist
17. Musician
18. Writer
19. Library Technician
20. Composer

Oh, what the heck. The next 20:

21. Market Research Analyst
22. Translator
23. Dispatcher
24. Special Effects Technician
25. Public Relations Specialist
26. Airline Customer Service Agent
27. Career Counselor
28. Cashier
29. Magician
30. Dancer
31. Customer Service Representative – been there, done that
32. Religious Worker
33. Esthetician
34. Community Worker
35. Funeral Director
36. Nail Technician
37. Foreign Service Officer
38. Director
39. Hairstylist
40. Clergy – the only one on this part of the list I actually ever considered doing, other than the one I’ve already one.

Interestingly, I added my education and skills and the list changed somewhat.
A Very Good Match
B Good Match
C Fair Match
D Questionable Match
F Poor Match

1. Lobbyist B
2. Actor B
3. Tour Guide C
4. Criminologist B
5. Librarian B
6. Anthropologist B
7. Professor B
8. Comedian B
9. Communications Specialist A
10. Activist B
11. Casting Director B
12. Critic A
13. Public Policy Analyst B
14. Political Aide B
15. Writer A
16. Print Journalist B
17. Musician D
18. Translator C
19. Market Research Analyst B
20. Composer D
21. Special Effects Technician C
22. Public Relations Specialist B
23. Career Counselor A
24. Dancer C
25. Customer Service Representative B
26. Religious Worker A
27. Community Worker B
28. Foreign Service Officer B
29. Director B
30. Clergy A
31. Sport Psychology Consultant A
32. Foreign Language Instructor C
33. ESL Teacher B – what my wife does
34. Rehabilitation Counselor A
35. Politician A
36. Psychologist A
37. Corporate / Commercial Lawyer A
38. Historian B
39. Lawyer B – which I did consider, once upon a time
40. Civil Litigator B

So maybe my next career will be communication specialist/writer/critic/clergy. Any jobs in that field?


Ramblin' with Roger
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