TV Fandom Meme

Please, Spock, do me a favor… and don’t say it’s `fascinating’

From Mr. Frog.

Pick five of your favorite shows, in no particular order, before you read the below questions, then answer them!

1. M*A*S*H
2. The Mary Tyler Moore Show
3. The Dick van Dyke Show
4. Homicide: Life on the Street
5. The Twilight Zone

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35 Questions Meme, Part Two

Sunday Stealing, redux.

36. If you suddenly became single or are single, do you think you could last in a relationship for 12 months or more?

I’d like to think so. Probably.

37. Do you forgive or forget?

Forgive, usually; forget, seldom.

38. Do you trust people?

Probably less than I used to. That said, probably more than more people. I had the laptop in the hotel, and one of my sisters suggested that I lock it up somewhere; it would not have occurred to me.

39. What are you not looking forward to?

Painting the attic. It’s HOT up there by fairly early in the day.

40. Do you get mad easily?

I don’t think so. But when I do, it can be furious, so don’t push it.

41. Tell us about the last time you were told you that you have pretty eyes.

I don’t recall. There was this woman about 25 years ago.

42. Do you have strange dreams?

Oh, goodness YES. Sidebar: I gave up caffeinated soda on March 16 because I wasn’t sleeping. More correctly, I was going to sleep, but I wasn’t STAYING asleep. Then I prettyy much NEEDED the caffeine so that I didn’t fall asleep at my desk.

So now, I still wake up in the middle of the night, but I roll over and go back to sleep. And all these latter-part-of-the-night dreams innvolve distorted versions of my childhood, and all sorts of mayhem that are so vivid, yet so ALMOST plausible that I have to recollect it and realize that it COULDN’T have happened.

43. Ever licked someone’s cheek or forehead?

Undoubtedly, as some sort of torture.

44. Tell us about the last time you fell asleep in someone’s arms.

As opposed to just cuddling, I suppose. It was probably the Wife, and I was probably ill.

45. When did you last play a game?

Uno, Saturday with the Daughter.

46. What do you have on you at all times?

My wedding ring.

47. Do you go out in public without getting all dressed up?

I’d do it more often, if i could get away with it.

48. Do you like fruity or minty gum?

Mint – spearmint.

49. Favourite musician or group?


50. Do you like anyone?

Define “like”. I like quite a few people. Even love a few.

51. Favourite computer game?

Backgammon, except that when I play with someone, they often bail too early. Hearts with no real opponents I can at least finish.

52. First album you ever went and bought with your own money?

Beatles VI.

53. Think back five months ago, were you single?

No, and not 5 months before that either.

54. Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?

Goodness, yes. Of all kinds.

55. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?

How could they not?

56. Last thing you bought?

Lunch on Friday.

57. Are you a jealous person?

I tend not to be, though there have been moments in the past.

58. Does it take a lot to make you cry?

Not really. A beautiful piece of music can make me cry.

59. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?

Yes. Actually, for the longest time, about 90% of my best friends were female; now, it about 60%.

60. Have you ever had your heart-broken?

I mean, if you haven’t, you are really lucky, I think.

61. Have you ever done something while drunk that you still cannot believe you did?

Back when I would drink in college, I was very flirtatious, but no, I don’t believe

62. Is there anyone you secretly wish you could be spending your time with right now?

No secret. Myself. Don’t get enough Roger time.

63. Do you text?

Generally not.

64. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?

Sure, why not? And if they call me and I DON’T want to speak with him or her, well, that’s what Caller ID is all about.

65. Is your life anything like it was a year ago?

Pretty much.

66. Go back one year on your blog. Leave us a link to your favorite post.

M is for Money.

67. You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?

Ginger ale.

68. Tell us about someone that you have lost contact with someone you wish you didn’t.

There are so many people I manage to regain contact of, some of whom I had lost contact with. But there was this woman named Diane in college; actually mostly after college when I was still hanging out in New Paltz. We used to just talk, play board games and generally hang out. Totally platonic. Lost track of her. She isn’t in the alumni directory that came out in 2006, can’t find her in Google, and I wonder how she is, WHERE she is.

69. What is the last thing you said out loud?

Good night, sleep tight.

70. Will this year be better than last?

Difficult to say. Last year was pretty good.


35 Questions Meme

Before that, though, deaths to note. The crash that killed the Polish leader and more than seven dozen other leaders was tremendously sad for that country; I found it deeply affecting. The guy who was dean of my library school when I attended died of cancer. Dixie Carter also succumbed to cancer; yes, I DID watch Designing Women, initially because it was between Newhart and Cagney & Lacey, but eventually on its own merits. Finally, I think the only thing that will create real mine safety is if someone from the WV mining company gets indicted and convicted of 29 counts of manslaughter, and that mine owners continue to be be held criminally liable; obviously, even heavy fines are treated as just the cost of doing business.
Sunday Stealing, again.

1. How far away is the last person you kissed?

About a foot away.

2. Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever?

More than once; didn’t always work out. To be fair, that was a mutual pledge.

3. Last person you were in a car with?

The Wife and Daughter.

4. Any plans for tomorrow?

Play racquetball, go to work, come home; same as today.

5. How long does it take for you to take a shower?

10 minutes. Less when I’m in a hurry.

6. Best friend or close friends?

Close friends.

7. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?

Sure, why not?

8. Did you kiss anyone Friday?

I’m sure I did.

9. Ever thrown up in public?

Well, yes, actually, twice. The first time I remember quite vividly. I was at a party in my college town of New Paltz, NY and everyone, including me, was drinking. I was consuming a large amount of this Polish vodka, and I was really quite lucid. In fact, I had become the de facto host of the party because the host had passed out. The Polish vodka ran out, so I started drinking some Johnny Walker. In five minutes I went from sober to smashed – a late-arriving guest confirmed that he thought I was clear-headed only minutes earlier – to sick, fortunately in the bathroom. Lesson learned: don’t mix drinks.

The other time, I had some flu or food poisoning. I had had a drink or two, but hardly enough to get sick. I always felt badly, though, because my friends Jean and Rich probably thought I was just drinking too much.

10. What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW?

Baseball. Or sex. Or sleep. Or money. Wait, music.

11. Who was the last person you talked to?

The Wife.

12. What is the WORST subject they teach at school?

I don’t know that there’s a “worst” subject. There are things that I am more or less interested in.

13. Have you seen anyone lately that you don’t get along with?

Not in person.

14. What is your favourite colour top to wear?

Blue. I have more blue shirts than any other.

15. Have you ever been in a car accident?

At least two that involved medical attention, one which put me in the hospital for a day and a half. Plus the bike avoiding the car thing. And a handful of lesser events.

16. What’s the closest thing to you that’s green?

When your name is green, your mother’s, sisters’, wife’s, daughter’s niece’s names are all Green, so it is difficult to say. Oh, lower-case green: An ancient book called Play the Game: The Book of Sport that I used to read as a kid.

17. Where would you like to be right now?

On vacation. I just WAS on vacation.

18. Write down some lyrics to the song you’re listening to?

Love is just like a baseball game
Three strikes you’re out

Up to bat
I thought I hit a love run
But to my surprise
I found I didn’t hit none

Threw her love so fast
She put me in a daze
Never knew that love
Could come so many ways

(Here’s a recording.)

19. How many dogs do you have?

Zero. Haven’t had one in decades.

20. Is anything bugging you right now?

Yes. Fred Phelps’ “church”, among other things.

21. Is life going right for you now?

It’s more than tolerable. But I have a physical tomorrow, so we’ll see.

22. Is there someone you care about more than yourself?


23. What made you laugh today?

The Daughter: something she said.

24. What was the last movie you watched?

Crazy Heart.

25. Whats the last conversation you had about?


26. What were you doing at 7:00 this morning?

Will be getting ready for work.

27. Do you like your hair long or short?

What hair?

28. Do you want to see somebody right now?

If I had the power of teleporting, I’d use it a lot.

29. Do you like the rain?

In moderation.

30. Did you have a valentine this year?

Why, yes.

31. The last person you kissed needs you at 3 am, would you go?

Why not?

32. Would you honestly say you’d risk your life for someone else?


33. Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you?

Not so much. Well, actually, if you said TWO months ago, then the answer would be yes.

34. How do you feel about boys smoking?

I hate smoking, no matter who is doing it.

35. Could you see yourself with someone forever?

I have my hopes.



Something from Jaquandor whose birthday is September 26, same as my daddy’s.

1. Never in my life have I been: to Asia. Or Africa. Or Europe. Or Australia. Or Antarctica. Or South America, though I came close.

2. The one person who can drive me nuts is: just one? OK, Pat Robertson.

3. High school: wasn’t all that bad, eventually. I mean my friends and I were pariahs in my sophomore year because of our opposition to the Vietnam war. But by my junior year, that tended to be the more popular view. I was elected student government president that year and was a PITA to the principal, which was fun.

4. When I’m nervous: I feel like I need 16 hours of sleep.

5. The last song I listened to was: Roy Orbison’s greatest hits album, his music of the 1950s and 1960s, not the later stuff, which I also own.

6. If I were to get married right now my best man/maid of honor: would be asking, “Why again?”

7. My hair is: pretty much gone; it’s gray.

8. When I was 5: I was in the hospital with an uncontrollable bloody nose. That is where I saw a female doctor, and even then, that was a shock to the system.

9. Last Christmas: was fine. The child was happy.

10. I should be…: rich or famous, but probably not both.

11. When I look down I see: carpeting.

12. The happiest recent event was: something the choir sang well at church.

13. If I were a character on ‘Friends’ I would be: neurotic Ross.

14. By this time next year: I’d like to have lost some weight.

15. My current gripe is: There are people who actually believe Glenn Beck’s “analysis” of anything.

16. I have a hard time understanding: the popularity of magazines, websites, et al. delineating the loves of demi-stars.

17. There’s this girl I know that: likes to recite the alphabet backwards.

18. If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: The Wife. Followed by you. How’s that for service! (Stolen response!)

19. Take my advice: Get a massage. You’ll feel better.

20. The thing I want to buy: some day, one of those larger, stereophonic television contraptions.

21. If you visited the place I was born: You’d see flood damage from the 2006 flooding of the Susquehanna River around Binghamton, NY.

22. I plan to visit: my mother in Charlotte.

23. If you spent the night at my house: Wait, give me a moment. Got to get rid of the massive clutter in the guest room…

24. I’d stop my wedding if: I had to interview to be the JEOPARDY! head writer.

25. The world could do without: teabaggers.

26. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: watch FOX news.

27. Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: Corinne Bailey Rae’s CD The Sea. Recommended.

28. Most recent thing someone else bought me: bunch o music for my birthday.

29. My favorite blonde is: Laura Linney.

30. My favorite brunette is: (other than my wife) Penelope Cruz (with HOF status for Sophia Loren).

31. My favorite red head is: Julianne Moore. I once had a dream about her, where I saved her from oncoming traffic, and she sent me videos of her movies.

32. My middle name is: Owen, just like Owen Marshall, Counselor-at-Law.

33. In the morning I: would rather stay in bed.

34. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are: humans with jetpacks.

35. Once, at a bar: I got very drunk one one Long Island iced tea.

36. Last night I was: reading, sorting photos.

37. There’s this guy I know who: thinks way too much of himself.

38. If I was an animal I’d be: a bear, so I could hibernate in the winter.

39. A better name for me would be: there IS no better name for me.

40. Tomorrow I am: working on the family tree.

41. Tonight I am: tending to the child.

42. My birthday is: March 7, just like Anthony Armstrong-Jones, the former royal photographer who was married to one of the royals at one time. Complicated relationship, just like mine.


Eight Ten Meme

Sunday Stealing, yet again:


1. Are you single?
No, married.

2. Are you happy?
Sometimes. Not as much as I could be.

3. Are you bored?
Almost never. In fact, if I have something to read, I’m never bored, even waiting in line.

4. Are you naked?
Not currently.

5. Are you a blonde?
Actually I was for a very brief time when I was 2 or 3.

6. Are you moody?
Occasionally. OK, maybe more than occasionally. But usually I hide it well.

7. Are you a lover/hater?
Try to be/try not to be; doesn’t always work.

8. Are you hot/cold?
I tend to be too cold a lot more than I’m too hot.

9. Are you Irish?
I don’t know. Quite possibly.

10. Are you Asian?
Probably not.


1. Name:
Roger Owen Green.

2. Nicknames:
Rog; beyond that, I tend to avoid them, or actively reject them outright.

3. Birth mark:
None that come to mind.

4. Hair color:

5. Natural hair color:
Gray; I’m just not that vain about it.

6. Eye color:
Brown. Or bloodshot.

7. Height:
5’11 5/8″

8. Facebook Mood:
Never set it. Don’t even know where to set it. Don’t care.

9. Favorite color:
Blue. Or green.

10. One Place to Visit:
Paris, France. As opposed to Paris, Texas.


1. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No. Lust, yes.

2. Do you believe in soul mates?
You mean the notion that there is just one person out there among the seven billion for you? No.

3. Ah, a missing question, where we get to speculate on what was so personal that the blogger declined to note it.

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally?
Oh, goodness yes.

5. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Undoubtedly. That Neil Young song is running through my mind, only love can break your heart.

6. Have you ever been cheated on?

7. Have you ever liked someone and not told them?
More than once.

8. Are you afraid of commitment?
All things considered, I’m better in a committed relationship than not.

9. Who was the last person you hugged?
My daughter.

10. Who was the last person you kissed?
My wife.


1. Love or lust?

2. Ah, another missing question.

3. Cats or dogs?
Cats. My daughter is wary of dogs. Actually she’s wary of cats too, but not as much.

4. A few best friends or many regular friends?
A few best friends.

5. Television or internet?
It was TV for SO long, but I find I watch less and less.

6. Chinese Or Indian?
This is in reference to? If it’s food, Indian.

7. Wild night out or romantic night in?
Romantic. I just never was that wild.

8. Money or Happiness?
Money won’t make you happy. Happiness.

9. Night or day?
Day, about 10:15 a.m. Hey, Joe Jackson’s album Night and Day I haven’t listened to for a while.

10. MSN or phone?


1. Been caught sneaking out?
No, but I was caught sneaking back in.

2. Been skinny dipping?
Yes. This question seems to show up in these things. A lot.

3. Stolen?
Gum when I was seven.

4. Bungee jumped?

5. Lied to someone you liked?
In all likelihood. Wait – yes.

6. Finished an entire jaw breaker?
Have no idea.

8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back?
Actually have dated exes.

9. Cried because you lost a pet?
Yes. My cat Tiger got run over by a car when I was about 12.

10. Wanted to disappear?
And sometimes did.


1. Smile or eyes?

2. Light or dark hair?

3. Hugs or kisses?
Hugs. well, if she’s a really GOOD kisser…

4. Shorter or taller?
Shorter or the same.

5. Intelligence or attraction?
If not intelligent, not all that attractive.

6. Romantic or spontaneous?
Spontaneously romantic.

7. Funny or serious?
Meh. Both, at the right time.

8. Older or Younger?
Doesn’t matter.

9. Outgoing or quiet?

10. Sweet or Bad Ass?


1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd?
Define perform and large. Maybe 400 singing. About 700 acting. About 3000 when I was on JEOPARDY!

2. Ever done drugs?
Sure. I’m weaning myself from caffeine currently.

3. Ever been pregnant?
I never was one of those guys who said “we’re pregnant”; that stuff bugs me. So, no.

5. Ever been on a cheer leading team?

6. Ever Been on a dance team?
No, though I have danced n a performance a couple times.

7. Ever been on a sports team?
No, tried out, didn’t make it.

8. Ever been in a drama play/production?
Several in high school, usually in small roles. Only three since then.

9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley?
No, and wouldn’t own a Hummer.

10. Ever been in a rap video?
What? No.


1. Last phone call you made:
To my wife.

2. Last person you hung out with:
My wife and daughter.

3. Last time a question was dropped.

4. Last time you worked:

5. Last person you tackled:
My daughter.

6. Last person you IM’d:

8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with:
My wife

9. Last thing you missed:
A bus.

10. Last thing you ate:
A banana.


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