Time to Vote!

Oh, not the Presidential election. I can’t vote until next week. I’m not in one of those states with “early” voting and long lines; I’m in one of those states with November 4 voting and probably longer lines.

No, I’m talking about the 2008 Podcast Awards. The voting is open until November 6 and you may vote once every 24 hours.

Here’s the thing: I just don’t listen to that many podcasts: Gordon’s Cast THIS, Pal!,Brian Ibbott’s Lyrics Undercover, Arthur’s AmeriNZ, Rick Bedrosian’s movie thing. More to the point, there are only two podcasts that I listen to that are nominated: Brian Ibbott’s Coverville in two categories (Best Produced and PodSafe Music) and James Howard Kunstler’s KunstlerCast (Cultural/Arts – really?) in one. I’ll vote for them.

But this means my ballot is…susceptible to your suggestions. Go to the ballot and let me know which shows YOU like, and why, and I’ll vote for them. Every day unless two or more of you pick from the same category; then I’ll alternate.

I have made some tentative selections in some categories: I’ve voted for Grammmar Girl, which I HAVE heard, in the Peoples Choice (why isn’t this People’s Choice?) and Education categories. I voted for Ramble Redhead based solely on the fact that he leaves comments for Arthur’s podcast. Under the Mature category, I picked Dan Savage’s Savage Love because I read him in our local arts weekly; also because he helped create another definition of the word santorum.

Now you might think this is somehow inappropriate, me voting for things I don’t know about. I contend that it’s the American way; happens all the time.

So sway me.
Free taco at Taco Bell tomorrow from 2 to 6 pm. Blame it on base stealing.

Ramblin' with Roger
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