Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
Roger Ebert’s Last Words, con’t, commenting on the Esquire article (linked) and photo of him. “Resentment is allowing someone to live rent-free in a room in your head.”
How the Somaly Mam Foundation is trying to help end human trafficking
Wayne John tells about the time when a Burger King employee threw a double cheeseburger at him. Lousy aim, too.
Gordon reveals Dymowski and DeNiro – together.
Lady Gaga or Johnny Weir? “Can you tell the difference between the pop princess’ outrageous outfits and the Olympic skating star’s flamboyant costumes without seeing their poker faces?” You Olympics watchers who see figure skating only once every four years have no idea…
And SamuraiFrog has three recent pieces worthy of mention, about Kermit the Frog and friend,Christina Hendricks – no, I’ve never seen Mad Men, either – and a particular Super Bowl ad which also annoyed me. (Should note that, on the latter two pieces, his language is coarser than mine.)
This next section is graphic.
Western New York Legacy web site,, is freely available online, and contains thousands of digital images, documents, letters, maps, books, slides, and other items reflecting the rich cultural heritage of Western New York
Print & Photographs (P&P) online catalog: Some photos copyright free (and some not).
Rose DesRochers – World Outside my Window: Free Cartoons for Your Blog, two examples of which appear in this very post.
![[CARTOON] Green Eggs and Ham. images, pictures, books, cartoon, diet, food, kids, pigs, spoof, Seuss](
Courtesy of Past Expiry Cartoon