Walk Under Ladders

(Reference to my Joan Armatrading song, the function title song of which is I’m Lucky.

Sunday at about 3 a.m., a drunk driver roared down my residential street, smashed into one car and did considerable damage, hit an SUV and totalled it, then spun around and ended up about six inches behind our car.

I left for church but just missed the bus. There’s not nother one on a Sunday for a half hour. Fortunately, a choir member was also running late and gave me a ride.

A couple from my church rang the doorbell early in the afternoon,. They had discovered my Discover card lying on the ground in front of the church, and they were delivering it to me.

“I don’t need a bracelet
No salt
For my shoulder
I don’t own a rabbit
No clover
No heather
No wonder
I’m lucky”
And spealing of “functional title song”, can you help me with a list I used to own, but lost? A “functional title song” has the title of the album in the song. Examples:
Shawn Colvin’s “A Few Small Repairs” has that line appear in “Sunny Came Home”.
Paul Simon’s “Negotiations and Love Songs” greatest hits collection has that line appear in “Train in the Distance”.
Nivana’s “Nevermind” has that word appear in “Smells Like Teen Spirit”.
I KNOW there are a lot more. Thanks.

Rock Meme-JL

Today being JL’s birthday, it was obvious who I’d pick for this game I picked up from Mr. Lefty.

Here’s how you play: Pick a musical artist or band. Now fill out this questionnaire using only song titles. (I limited this to songs performed by John as opposed to the Beatles. You’ll note that I couldn’t stop with one choice.)

Artist/Band: John Lennon
Are you male or female: Jealous Guy; Beautiful Boy
Describe yourself: Working Class Hero; We’re All Water
How do some people feel about you: Crippled Inside; God
How do you feel about yourself: Just Like Starting Over; Hard Times Are Over
Describe what you want to be: I Don’t Want to Be a Soldier; Sweet Little Sixteen
Describe how you live: Watching the Wheels; Slippin’ and Slidin’
Describe how you love: Oh Yoko; Dear Yoko; Two Virgins
Share a few words of wisdom: Power to the People; Give Peace a Chance

I’d love especially for you non-bloggers (MR with the Beatles, MAK with whomever, this means YOU) to take a shot and post in my response area for other artists. (Or MAK, you could actually START that blog…)

And I liked this exercise so much I may do it again. Be forewarned.

Oprah got it wrong

Recent JEOPARDY! clue, paraphrased because I failed to write it down: “Photographer of a naked John Lennon and a fully-clothed Yoko Ono.”

I was John.

My sister Leslie was Paul. Paul is left-handed. And he was CUTE. (Say that last word with four syllables.)

Our neighbor Mary Jane was Ringo because he LOVED Ringo (three sylables on LOVED.)

Baby sister Marcia was George, because, frankly we needed someone to be George. Leslie and I pretty much told her she would be George. She wasn’t happy because George didn’t have many lead vocals.

And I was John, because he was the leader, the smart one, the clever one.

Now that I think of it, our relationship with Marcia in this context was not unlike John and Paul’s with George. And MJ was like Ringo in that she was the final piece, and she pretty much stayed out of the squabbling.

We got our broomsticks and MJ got a Quaker oatmeal box. We charged the neighbor kids two or five cents each to watch us lip-synch to Beatles VI, the playlist of which is here. You’ll see that George got only one lead vocal, thus the source of Marcia’s contentiousness. Being lead guitarist didn’t seem quite as impressive to her.

We did this gig two or three times, at least.

So when Paul McCartney was on Oprah’s show promoting “Flaming Pie” back in 1997, and Oprah proclaimed that she was the Beatles’ biggest black fan when she was a child, she did not have any idea what she was talking about.

Did Oprah perform Beatles’ songs in public? Did Ms. Harpo commit to memory the songwriter credits for all of the Beatles’ albums and singles? Did she know the catalog numbers of the albums?

I think NOT.

So, move over, lady, ’cause I’m claiming the throne.

Of course, I’m doing all of this Beatle musing because it’s Sean Ono Lennon’s 30th birthday today. Does THAT make me feel old! I remember when he was born.

And, yes, it would have been John Lennon’s 65th birthday today as well.

I have pictures of my family on my desk, but the only photo on the wall of my office is of John Lennon, circa 1972. It was given to me some years ago by my old FantaCo compatriot, Beatleologist and FOH (Friend of Hembeck), Rocco Nigro. Still one of my favorite presents, ever.

The answer: Who was Annie Leibovitz? BTW, I’ve seen people get that answer wrong by saying LEE-BO-WITZ, rather than LEE-BO-VITZ. The photo in question is here.
Finally, my heart reaches out to those affected by disasters: a 7.6 earthquake in South Asia, and Hurricane Stan, which is pelting Central America.

Ask Me a Question: Part 3

Apologies to Scooter Chronicles Scott for confusing him with Polite Scott. Here are the former’s other questions.

1. What is your favorite book (non-comic)?

The World Almanac. Really. When I got engaged to Carol, there was an engagement party thrown by some folks in my office. One of the games was for each of us to pick out each other’s favorite colors, TV shows, books, etc. She did far better than I, which I took to mean that I was more Out There and she more mysterious. (Of course, most everyone else thought that she paid more attention to me than I did to her.) She picked the World Almanac as my favorite book, everyone pooh poohed this answer, then I revealed my answer and they were flabbergasted; I don’t know why. I’d been getting the book since I was 10. I can’t remember what I thought hers was, but 100 Years of Solitude, which I had NEVER heard her mention before, was NOT my guess.
I’m also fond of those Billboard Charts Books.

Oh, you mean a book one reads! Ah, that would probably be The Sweeter the Juice: A Family Memoir in Black and White by Shirlee Taylor Haizlip. It’s about this interracial couple from just after the Civil War, and their descendants, some who live as black, some who live as white, and the author’s attempt to hook up some of these 20th century relatives.

2. What is your fondest childhood memory?

Why is this a hard question? Sometimes, the mind goes to the less pleasant.
Then there are good things, like walking home with my friends, singing with my father and sister Leslie, but there’s not single specific (positive) recollection.

But I’m going to pick a time when my father and I took a trip, just the two of us, from Binghamton to Lake George. I was 9 or 10 and was supposed to be the navigator, but we got off course, and we ran out of gas somewhere called Speculator, in the middle of nowhere. I thought Dad would get mad, but he took it all in stride. We walked along the road, and the stars in the sky were huge, as he pointed out. He stopped at someone’s house, got us enough gas to get to a gas station, and we went on to Lake George. Truth is, I don’t remember that much about Lake George, but I do remember the night before quite well.

Not so incidentally, there’s a tragic story about Lake George making the national news this week. It’s very sad, of course, but it’s also curious to watch how the local and national news cover the same story. The very early local reports had 21 (instead of 20) and the folks were from Canada (rather than Michigan; that had to do with the boat registry, apparently.) ABC News has had a few details that were missing from the local reporting. But this is a HUGE local story, as you can tell from their websites here and here, for example.
Now, Gordon was the one I stole this Ask Me a Question idea from. He notes: “Actually, Mike at Progressive Ruin did it once before I did. Gotta give props, you know.” Gordon is so thorough that he’s still reviewing the Mixed Bag 2 CDs. I had peppered Gordon with about a half dozen question, but he had just one for me:

Since you’re a dad (and I’m a godfather), here’s a very thought-provoking question:

If there was one value or set of values you wanted to teach your offspring, what would it be?

Oh, GOOD question!

I want her to be confident without being arrogant.
Self-sufficient without being selfish.
Compassionate without being compromised.

In other words, I want her to know that she’s a REALLY important part of this world, but she’s not the ONLY person in this world.

In a word, balanced.
Now, I have a question for all of YOU, a serious question that my wife and I have been debating for the last three weeks. Do you think Jenna Fischer, who plays Pam Beesley on the NBC version of “The Office” is attractive? Why or why not? I shan’t tell you what we think. I did learn a curious fact today, though; Jenna Fischer and I share a birthday.
Kudos, to Mike on his exhaustive October 7 column on the Joker; Greg Burgas on reaching his one year blogiversary; Fred Hembeck on the first week of a month-long excursion into what David Bowie might call Scary Monsters; and finally, Polite Scott, for huis piece on Lois Lane the other day.

What’s important to you?

Tosy and Cosh posted this. The “Dan” mentioned is Dan from Minneapolis.

1. It is Dan’s theory that one only has time to devote to 10 outside-of-work pursuits. What makes your list? This can be an idealized version of your life (e.g. pursuits in which you are interested but just haven’t found the time or ambition to start).

a. parenting
b. spousing
c. church choir
d. blogging
e. racquetball
f. church Missions Committee
g. Friends of Albany Public Library
h. church Membership Committee
i .music collecting
j. being an informed citizen

2. What are the last five albums you bought? Are you just kind of buying albums on a whim these days or following any kind of overarching plan-such as exploring a genre or working your way through a backlog of albums you’ve wanted to buy for some time?

a. Like an Atom Bomb- similar to, but not exactly, the tracks of an LP I have, the soundtrack to “Atomic Cafe”
b. Red Hot & Rhapsody- continuation of the Red Hot & Blue AIDS awareness discs I have; also because it’s Gershwin
c. Rutles-Archaeology – another Beatle parody
d. Judy Collins-Who Knows Where the Time Goes – I have it on vinyl and it’s wearing out

I should also note that I’ve been getting discs in…other ways, notably the Rolling Stones, much of which I owned on vinyl, the source of which is one associate. I’ve also been burning CDs of LPs that I own. I’ve gotten them from the library: Dark Side of the Moon, Tumbleweed Connection, Eat a Peach, Layla.

3. Everyone has an issue (at least one)-political or philosophical-that is kind of their personal baby. One on which they feel they have an enlightened view in a greater world that just either doesn’t get it or doesn’t care. Tell us about it-and attempt to be brief.

We would all get along better if we followed some simple rules:
Respect the queue. Keep right (unless you’re in the UK), so you can avoid doing that little dance on a narrow sidewalk when someone approaches. Respect other people’s personal space. You DON’T have to express an opinion when you don’t have one.

4. Prairie, mountains, woods, desert, lake, the sea. Which calls to you the most? Where would you most choose to reside? RANK THEM!

Lake, sea, mountains, woods, prairie, desert.

5. Guilty pleasure TV. Is there a show that would be condemned by your peers, but yet you find yourself watching it on a regular basis? Let’s hear it.
{I’ve asked a variation on this myself recently.)

Law & Order (the original) reruns. NEVER the new shows. Lenny Briscoe rules!

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