The Return of the Chicken Hawks
John Bolton Paid Cambridge Analytica $1.2 Million to Make Americans ‘More Militaristic’
Scientific American: Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns?
Give Teachers Guns, And More Black Children Will Die
How baby-toting, robed-and-hooded moms paved the way for today’s white hate groups
Obamas to Parkland students: “You’ve helped awaken the conscience of the nation”
I Tried to Befriend Nikolas Cruz; he Still Killed My Friends
Don Blankenship, the worst man in America, is running for Senate
“Death Penalty for Drug Dealers” Proposal Reeks of Eugenics
Non-disclosure agreements for White House staff? Not so fast
Why the Stormy Daniels story matters – it’s not about sex, it’s about the abuse of power
Austin Goolsbee says the tariffs are like his Aunt Trina’s lasagna
After the Storm – post-hurricanes Irma and Maria in the U.S. Virgin Islands last fall, some people showed up and stayed
New York City exporting homeless families to other parts of the state, including my hometown of Binghamton
Some millennials aren’t saving for retirement because they don’t think capitalism will exist by then
NY Mets hitter Rusty Staub dies at 73
Kimmel Produces PSA For Melania’s ‘Cyberbullying’ Campaign
How to Decipher a Sarah Huckabee Sanders Press Conference
Librocubicularist (noun; plural: librocubicularists) (rare) A person who reads in bed
Bill Messner-Loebs, comic book artist worked on Wonder Woman and Thor, now homeless
Every Wes Anderson Movie, Ranked Worst to Best
Lois Weber, early 20th-century filmmaker
Sophia Jex-Blake, part of the Edinburgh Seven who campaigned for the right of women to study medicine
Steven Spielberg Doesn’t Think Netflix Movies Should Qualify for Oscars
Now I Know: How Chairman Mao Turned Freedom into Oppression and How Hitchcock Kept Psycho a Secret and How a Nearly-Perfect Crime Became Perfect Again and When the Driver Walks Away and Why Tennis Balls Are Yellow and Why You Shouldn’t Eat Those “Do Not Eat” Packets
Lois Lane, The Pulitzer Committee Wants Their Prizes Back
A video essay about cartoon sound effects
“73 Questions” video – Christine Pedi as Liza
Three Manhattan Bridges, for Piano and Orchestra: I. George Washington Bridge – Michael Torke, composer; Albany Symphony Orchestra, David Alan Miller, conductor; Joyce Yang – piano; Torke, Miller, Yang discuss the work
Pluto – King of the Underworld (Hades) – Taimane
Chicken Shack Boogie – Amos Milburn
Snake Farm – Ray Wylie Hubbard
Hendrix doing Hendrix on an acoustic guitar
5 O’Clock World – the Vogues, with more of their songs
Long Time Gone -Tom Jones & Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Coverville 1210: Aerosmith Cover Story II
WKRP in Cincinnati new home recordings and end theme lyrics
TV Theme Song medley – Jimmy Fallon & Will Smith
Stream a 346-Hour Chronological Playlist of Live Grateful Dead Performances (1966-1995)