Barry Haydasz (1953-2024)

‘What would Barry do?’

Barry Haydasz was a very sweet guy who I’ve known for decades. He and I were besties with Uthaclena. Barry passed away on October 10 at 71, a mere 18 days younger than me.
Uthaclena and his cousin created an annual MidWinter event each first Saturday in  February, compleat with strange incantations. While it started elsewhere, most of these events were held on Barry’s expansive property. Dozens of folks would show up, many invited by others; it didn’t matter. It was a true open invitation, and Barry was a generous host. The bonfire, where one can throw pieces of paper representing things to get rid of from the previous year, was the source of wax magick.
Barry’s instruments often accompanied elements of both MidWinter and complementary MidSummer events.
Barry was a computer geek who initially worked as a technician and later as a web designer. His career concluded at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, NY, where he served as an educator and trail guide.
His cancer diagnosis was prolonged. Two years earlier, Uthaclena wrote: “Barry will not be having surgery because ‘there’s no point in it;’ he will not receive radiation because the bone cancer has spread, so it’s not concentrated in one place. As soon as it’s arranged, he’ll start receiving chemo locally. Yet there would be times when he seemed to rally for a time.
Ultimately, I was compelled to take a train to his funeral, though I could stay very long. It was great to connect with some of his friends, some of whom I had not seen in several years.
Uthaclena spoke at the October 17 service at a Rhinebeck funeral home. He said, in part: “He inspired and entertained us, and he traveled beside us. He cared for our Earth, for that which grew on it, and those that flew above it. With diligence and skill, he repaired that which was broken; how many of us have pondered a problem wondering, ‘What would Barry do?’”
Ramblin' with Roger
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